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Series GOD’S MISSION, MY MISSION with Pastor Mark Finley  |
Lesson 9: Mission to the Mighty |
Memory Text: 1: Matthew 16:26 – For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? |
9.1 Nebuchadnezzar

The emphasis on the “unlimited atonement” in Adventist doctrine underscores the universal redemption through Christ, irrespective of predetermined groups. The story of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4 strikingly illustrates how even one of the most powerful men in the world was brought to reason through God’s intervention. This highlights that God’s mercy extends not only to the weak but also reaches the rich and powerful. Nebuchadnezzar’s humiliation due to pride and arrogance serves as a reminder that God chooses different paths to reach people, regardless of their power and status.
9.2 Naaman
The story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5 emphasizes the universality of Christ’s sacrifice for people of all backgrounds and statuses. Naaman’s extraordinary plea after his healing reveals his sincere devotion to the living God, even though pagan influences still lingered in his thinking. His willingness to faithfully serve the Lord despite challenges in a pagan land attests to Naaman’s genuine faith. Elisha’s response, “Go in peace,” emphasizes God’s gentle guidance for converts who are meant to grow step by step in faith.
9.3 Witnessing to the Learned: Nicodemus
The story of Nicodemus shows that external wealth and education do not necessarily fulfill a person’s spiritual needs. Despite his high position and knowledge, Nicodemus sought spiritual fulfillment and found it in Jesus. The encounter with Christ revealed that outward appearances can be deceptive and that everyone, regardless of social status, needs salvation. Nicodemus’s later actions, indicating a strong influence by Jesus, demonstrate the transformative power of the Gospel that can also reach seemingly powerful individuals.
9.4 Mission to the Rich
Jesus’s encounter with the rich young man in Matthew 19 emphasizes the challenge that wealth can pose to entering the kingdom of God. The statement that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle does not imply that the rich cannot be saved but highlights the potential obstacles that wealth can present. Both the rich and the poor face the same fate, death, and urgently need salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The comparison between the rich young man and Zacchaeus in Luke 19 shows that the response to Jesus is crucial, and while the rich man clung to his possessions, Zacchaeus was willing to change his life and respond to Jesus’s call.
9.5 Mission to the Powerful
The text emphasizes Jesus’s ability to befriend the mighty, eliciting admiration and respect, but also disdain. Examples of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea show that many rich and powerful individuals initially come to Jesus in secret to ensure he is truly the Son of God. The account of Joseph of Arimathea in Matthew 27 illustrates how God used a wealthy man influenced by Jesus for His purposes.
Mission among the mighty requires wisdom to know where to begin. It is often more effective to let the mighty come to you rather than actively seeking them out, as Jesus did. The subtle partnership with the mighty should be based on genuine service, as they want to be part of something good that transforms lives. The call to invest time in the lives of the rich and powerful and to pray for them demonstrates a practical approach to mission among this group.
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