Series THE BOOK OF MARK with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 8.Teaching Disciples, Part 2 |
Jesus’ Guidance for True Discipleship |
Lesson 8 explores the depth of following Jesus by examining the challenges, misunderstandings, and insights that the disciples experienced on their journey with him. Through various encounters—ranging from discussions about marriage and wealth to the healing of blind Bartimaeus—Jesus clarifies what it truly means to follow him. This lesson demonstrates that true discipleship requires humility, willingness to sacrifice, and a deep trust in God’s guidance. Jesus teaches his disciples that the path to greatness in the Kingdom of God is through service and devotion, not through worldly power or possessions.
Memory Text: Mark 10:45 – “ ‘For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.’ ”
8.1 God’s Plan for Marriage
God’s Original Plan for Marriage: Indissoluble Unity
In Mark 10:1-12 and Genesis 1:27; 2:24, we see that the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus with a tricky question about divorce. They hoped to put him in a difficult position, similar to how John the Baptist was imprisoned for criticizing Herod Antipas. However, Jesus does not answer their question directly but refers to God’s original plan for marriage. By referencing Genesis 1 and 2, Jesus emphasizes that marriage is a divine unity that should be indissoluble. His answer teaches that marriage is more than a legal contract; it is a sacred bond created and protected by God.
8.2 Jesus and Children
Jesus’ Love and Appreciation for Children
In Mark 10:13-16, we see how Jesus responds to people bringing their children to him. Despite the low social status of children at that time, Jesus rebukes his disciples for trying to keep the children away. Jesus shows great affection and appreciation for the children and blesses them. He emphasizes that the Kingdom of God belongs to those who receive it like a child—with pure, unconditional trust. Through this action, Jesus underscores that children have a special place in the Kingdom of God and that a child’s faith should be a model for all.
8.3 The Best Investment
The True Cost of Discipleship: Wealth vs. Devotion
In Mark 10:17-31, Jesus teaches a profound lesson about the challenges of faith and discipleship, regardless of material possessions. A rich man approaches Jesus earnestly, but when Jesus advises him to give up his wealth and follow him, the man withdraws sadly. This reveals that wealth often becomes an idol that obstructs the path to the Kingdom of God. At the same time, Jesus emphasizes that the impossible—such as salvation—is possible only through God’s grace, and the reward of discipleship is far greater than any earthly possession.
8.4 Can You Drink My Cup?
The True Meaning of Discipleship: Power through Service
In Mark 10:32-45, the disciples’ reactions to Jesus’ prediction of his suffering reveal their ongoing misunderstanding of Jesus’ true mission and the nature of discipleship. While Jesus speaks of his forthcoming suffering, James and John focus on positions of power in his Kingdom. Their request reveals a misunderstanding of Jesus’ kingship, which is characterized not by worldly rule but by sacrifice and service. Jesus seizes this opportunity to teach that true greatness in the Kingdom of God is achieved not through ruling but through serving—up to the highest sacrifice he himself will make.
8.5 “What Do You Want Me to Do for You?”
Faith That Sees: Bartimaeus’ Persistent Cry for Healing
In Mark 10:46-52, Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, shows remarkable faith and determination when he hears Jesus is nearby. Despite the crowd’s attempts to silence him, he cries out all the more loudly to the “Son of David,” a title acknowledging Jesus as the Messiah. Bartimaeus throws aside his cloak, a symbol of his complete dependence and trust that Jesus will heal him. Jesus responds to his faith, asks him the same question he had asked the disciples, and fulfills his desire for sight. Through this healing, Jesus demonstrates that true faith recognizes who he is and that he always hears sincere requests.
8.6 Summary
Lesson of Discipleship: Insight and Devotion
In Lesson 8, it becomes clear that the disciples still struggled to grasp the true meaning of Jesus’ mission and the demands of discipleship. Jesus reveals his forthcoming sufferings and calls them to serve humbly rather than seek power and recognition. The healing of blind Bartimaeus highlights the importance of faith and spiritual insight—a call to follow Jesus with complete trust and devotion. This lesson emphasizes that discipleship requires not only knowledge but also a willingness to make sacrifices and to see the world with new, spiritually enlightened eyes.
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