The text “The God who comes to us” impressively reflects on the theological significance of the story of Adam and Eve as well as the divine mission of redemption. It becomes clear how humanity, created in the image of God, fell from its original perfection due to the decision of Adam and Eve to disobey God’s commandments.
God’s question to Adam, “Where are you?” in Genesis 3:9-15, is considered a central element. This question symbolizes God’s search for His fallen creation and reveals His missionary nature. In this question, God’s desire is expressed to find and save humanity despite its sin and lostness. This reflects the idea that God always approaches us, seeks us, and is ready to save us and be with us.
The question “Where are you?” can also be understood as an appeal to our personal experience. It reminds us that God is seeking us in our spiritual journey and asks if we are near to Him. How we respond to this question is crucial. It encourages us to reflect on our own relationship with God and reconsider our decisions in this relationship. It reminds us that we have the choice to respond to God’s search for us and be touched by His love and redemption.
Overall, the text is a profound contemplation of divine love, free will, and God’s mission of redemption. It encourages us to reflect on our own relationship with God and realize that despite our mistakes and sins, God always comes to us and is willing to save us.
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