“The God who desires to be with us” emphasizes the missionary nature of God, His desire to connect with people and be with them. The promises to Abraham and his descendants in the cited Bible verses (Genesis 17:7, 26:3, 28:15) show that the primary focus is on God referring to Himself as “your… God” and expressing His willingness to be with them.
The consideration of the history in which God repeatedly affirms His presence and His desire to be with His people is impressive. In various situations and times, whether through Abraham, Joseph, or Moses, God’s desire to be with people and accompany them is evident.
The mention of the Old Testament sanctuary in Exodus 29:43, 45 highlights the special way in which God wanted to be near His people. The tabernacle and the priesthood were meant to foreshadow Jesus Christ and symbolize His mediatory work. This demonstrates that God emphasized His presence among people not only in the realm of promise but also in concrete religious practices.
The question of how we experience God’s presence in our own lives encourages us to contemplate our personal relationship with God. Every individual can experience God’s presence in different ways, be it through prayer, meditation, reading the Bible, fellowship with other believers, or through spiritual experiences. Reflecting on these experiences can deepen the significance of God’s desire to be with us in our own lives and strengthen our connection to Him. It encourages us to actively seek God’s presence and appreciate it in our daily lives.
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