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10.2 Remembering the Past and Praising God
The Narrative of Faithfulness: God’s Hand in Israel’s History
Read Psalm 105. What historical events and lessons are highlighted in this psalm?
Psalm 105 is an impressive retrospective of Israel’s history, highlighting the key events that have shaped the relationship between God and His people. This psalm invites readers to remember God’s faithfulness in the past and to praise Him for it. Here are some important historical events and lessons highlighted in this psalm:
  1. The Covenant with Abraham: Psalm 105 recalls God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants to give them the promised land. This covenant is depicted as the foundation of the relationship between God and His people, showcasing God’s faithfulness and promises.
  2. The Role of the Patriarchs: The psalm narrates the story of Israel’s patriarchs, including Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, emphasizing their faithfulness to God despite the challenges they faced. Their perseverance and faithfulness are portrayed as examples for future generations.
  3. The Fulfillment of Promises: Psalm 105 shows how God’s promises were fulfilled in the lives of the patriarchs, particularly through the leadership of Moses and Aaron and the conquest of the promised land. These events testify to God’s power and care for His people.
  4. The Invitation to Praise: The psalm has a hymnal tone and encourages readers to praise God for His deeds. The history of Israel provides countless reasons for praise and gratitude, demonstrating God’s faithfulness and goodness in various situations.
  5. The Continuity of the Promise: Psalm 105 emphasizes the continuity between the patriarchs and the subsequent generations of God’s people. Readers are addressed as descendants of Abraham and sons of Jacob, underscoring their identity as part of God’s promise.
Overall, Psalm 105 invites readers to remember God’s deeds in history and to praise Him for them. It reminds us that the history of Israel is not just a sequence of events but a testimony to God’s faithfulness and care for His people. These lessons from the past are meant to encourage us to trust God and strengthen our faith as we await His promises.
How should Seventh-day Adventists see themselves in this line of people starting with Abraham? (See Gal 3:29) What lessons should we draw from history?
According to Galatians 3:29, Seventh-day Adventists are considered the “descendants of Abraham” because they belong to Christ through faith. This means that they are spiritual heirs of the promises God gave to Abraham. Like Abraham, they are also to trust in God’s word and be obedient, and through faith in Jesus Christ, they receive the blessings and promises of God.
From the history of Israel depicted in Psalm 105 and other texts, Seventh-day Adventists can draw several important lessons:
  1. Trust and Obedience: Like Abraham, Seventh-day Adventists are to trust in God’s word and be obedient. God’s faithfulness to Abraham and his family despite their weaknesses and mistakes shows that God always fulfills His promises when we obey Him and trust in Him.
  2. Expectation and Patience: The history of the patriarchs teaches patience and expectation. Abraham and his descendants often had to wait long for the fulfillment of God’s promises. This patience and readiness for expectation are also relevant for Seventh-day Adventists as they await the second coming of Jesus Christ.
  3. Faithfulness in Difficulties: Like the patriarchs, Seventh-day Adventists must remain faithful in difficult times. The history of Israel is full of challenges and trials, but God was always faithful to His people. This history encourages believers to remain steadfast even in the midst of difficulties.
  4. Gratitude and Praise: Psalm 105 encourages praise and gratitude for God’s deeds in Israel’s history. Seventh-day Adventists should be grateful for God’s faithfulness and care and praise Him for His great works.
  5. The Continuity of Promises: The history of Israel shows the continuity of God’s promises across generations. Seventh-day Adventists should see themselves as part of these promises and take responsibility for passing on the faith in God from generation to generation.
Overall, Seventh-day Adventists should learn from the history of Israel to trust in God, be patient, remain faithful, and be grateful for His faithfulness and care. They should see themselves as spiritual descendants of Abraham and receive God’s promises in faith.

The connection between Psalm 105, our daily lives, and faith is extremely significant and relevant. Here are some aspects of how this connection might look:
  1. Remembrance and Gratitude: Psalm 105 invites us to remember God’s deeds in the past and praise Him for them. In daily life, we can do this by consciously reflecting on the blessings God gives us every day and thanking Him for them. By remembering His faithfulness and care, we can strengthen our faith and develop trust in His promises.
  2. Trust and Obedience: Like the patriarchs, we should trust in God’s word and be obedient. In everyday life, this means making decisions that are in line with God’s word and His will. We can demonstrate our faith in daily life through our actions and decisions by striving to follow His example and trust in His word.
  3. Patience and Expectation: The history of the patriarchs teaches us patience and expectation. In daily life, we can practice this by patiently waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promises and trusting that He will act in His time. This can help us deal with difficult situations and go through challenges while waiting for God’s guidance and help.
  4. Gratitude and Praise: Psalm 105 encourages praise and gratitude for God’s deeds. In daily life, we can practice this through regular prayer and praise. By expressing our gratitude to God and praising Him for His faithfulness and care, we can strengthen our faith and develop a deeper relationship with Him.
  5. Passing on the Faith: The history of Israel emphasizes the importance of passing on faith from generation to generation. In daily life, we can do this by actively sharing our faith with others and encouraging them to remember God’s faithfulness and trust in Him. By telling others about our own experiences with God and encouraging them to trust in Him as well, we can help strengthen faith and build a community of faith.
Overall, Psalm 105 provides us with a guide on how to practice our faith in daily life by remembering God’s faithfulness, trusting Him, being obedient, patiently waiting, being grateful, and sharing our faith with others. These principles can help us develop a deeper relationship with God and strengthen our faith in everyday life.
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