Lesson 10.The Last Days
Prophecies About the End Times – An Overview
Lesson 10 introduces us to the profound and prophetic teachings of Jesus concerning the end times and His second coming. This lesson focuses on the pivotal events that will shape world history and the signs that announce the imminent end. Jesus speaks in urgent terms about times of great tribulation, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the coming of the Son of Man in glory. He admonishes vigilance and urges His followers to be prepared, as the exact timing of His return remains hidden. The teachings of this lesson encourage us to remain steadfast in faith amid challenges and uncertainties, in hope of the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises.
10.1 Two Little Coins in the Offering
The True Meaning of Giving – An Example of the Widow
Read Mark 12:41–44. How much did the widow give, and what did Jesus have to say about it?
The story of the widow who puts two small coins into the offering box is a powerful example of true dedication and sacrifice. Despite her material poverty, she gives all she has, demonstrating a deep, sincere love for God and trust in His care. Jesus praises her, not because of the amount of her contribution, but because of the depth of her devotion. In contrast, the wealthy give much, but only from their abundance.
This narrative teaches us that the value of a gift is not determined by its material worth but by the heart behind it. God sees the sacrifice of the heart and the willingness to give oneself for Him, regardless of the size of the material contribution. In a world that often admires wealth and outward generosity, this lesson reminds us that true generosity lies in the willingness to sacrifice and trust in God.
The account also shows that even amidst corruption and misuse in religious institutions, faithfulness and giving to God are not in vain. The widow might have been aware of the corruption, but her actions were not dependent on people but motivated by her love for God. Jesus emphasizes that such sacrifices are not overlooked and that God blesses those who give from a pure heart.
This story challenges us to reflect on our own giving: Do we give from our abundance, or are we willing to give ourselves, even if it costs us something? The widow reminds us that God does not count the amount but the sacrifice and dedication we offer.
What should this account teach us about the importance of being faithful in what we give for the work of the Lord?
The account of the widow and her two small coins teaches us a profound lesson about the importance of faithfulness and dedication in giving to the Lord’s work:
The Heart Matters More Than the Amount: The widow gave a small amount that might seem insignificant compared to the gifts of the wealthy. Yet Jesus praised her because she gave all she had from her poverty. This shows us that God looks at the attitude of our hearts, not the material value of our gifts. It’s not about how much we give, but how faithful and sacrificial we are in what we give.
Trust in God: The widow gave even though she had little, showing great trust in God’s provision. This trust is crucial when giving to the Lord’s work. Even in difficult times, we should not hesitate to contribute, knowing that God knows our needs and will provide for us.
Independence from External Circumstances: The religious leadership at Jesus’ time was often corrupt, yet the widow did not hold back. This teaches us that our faithfulness in giving should not depend on the actions of others. Even if we have doubts about the integrity of those handling the funds, our responsibility to give faithfully remains. Ultimately, we give not for people but for God and His work.
Blessing Through Faithfulness: Jesus emphasized that the widow gave more than all the others, even though her amount was small. This shows that God blesses those who are steadfast in their faithfulness and dedication. Our gifts, no matter how small, hold great value in God’s eyes when they come from a faithful and sacrificial heart.
This account reminds us that our giving to the Lord’s work is an expression of our love and trust in God. It is not merely a financial transaction but a spiritual act reflecting our faithfulness, trust, and dedication. By being faithful in what we give, we testify to our faith and contribute to building God’s kingdom, regardless of the circumstances around us.
The story of the widow and her two small coins has a deep meaning for our daily lives and faith. It reminds us that true dedication and sacrifice are not bound to material wealth but to the willingness to give our best to God, regardless of our external circumstances. Here are some connections to our daily life and faith:
Prioritizing Dedication: In our daily lives, we are often tempted to focus our time, resources, and energy on material things or worldly goals. However, the story of the widow challenges us to rethink our priorities. It encourages us to give to God not just from our abundance but to put Him first, even if it costs us something. This might mean intentionally dedicating our time, talents, or financial resources to God and our fellow humans, even when it challenges us personally.
Trust in God’s Provision: The widow gave all she had because she trusted in God’s provision. This attitude can encourage us to be bold in trusting God to provide for us in times of uncertainty or need. This trust allows us to be generous, even when it’s difficult, knowing that God is aware of our needs and will care for us.
Faithfulness Despite Imperfect Circumstances: The story shows that despite the corruption and inadequacies of the religious leaders of her time, the widow remained faithful. This teaches us that our dedication and faithfulness to God should not depend on external circumstances or the behavior of others. In daily life, this means remaining consistent in our relationship with God and serving Him faithfully, even when circumstances are tough or we are disappointed by people in positions of authority.
Blessing Through Small but Faithful Acts: We often feel insignificant or think our contributions don’t make a big difference. The story of the widow reminds us that God sees and values the small things we do in faithfulness. In everyday life, this means that every small act of love, giving, or service is valuable in God’s eyes. It encourages us to be faithful in the little things, trusting that God will bless that faithfulness.
In summary, this story teaches us that our daily lives and faith should be marked by a heart of dedication, trust, and faithfulness. It reminds us that in God’s eyes, it’s not the size of our contribution that matters but the depth of our dedication and trust in Him. This can inspire us to strive for this kind of dedication and faithfulness in all areas of our lives.
True generosity is not measured by the value of what is given but by the depth of the heart that gives.
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