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10.5 From Beneath
Human Blindness and Divine Truth
Read John 5:38–40. What does Jesus say about the Holy Scripture here?
In John 5:38–40, Jesus shows how central the Holy Scripture is for understanding Him as the Messiah and the truth. His words reveal not only the purpose of the Scripture but also a serious warning: it is possible to read the Holy Scripture without recognizing its true goal—Jesus Christ.
  1. The Holy Scripture Points to Jesus
Jesus makes it clear that the Scripture—both the Old Testament and the later writings of the New Testament—points to Him. The statements in John 5:39–40 show:
  • The Scripture as a Witness: Jesus says, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that testify about me.” The Scripture reveals God’s plan of salvation, which is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
  • The Goal of the Scripture is Jesus: All prophecies, stories, and laws in the Old Testament prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. He is the central theme of the entire Bible.
  1. The Danger of a Superficial Knowledge of the Bible
Jesus criticizes the religious leaders of His time for intensely studying the Scripture but not understanding its goal:
  • Knowledge without Relationship: The Pharisees had comprehensive knowledge of the Scripture, yet they had no faith and no relationship with the One the Scripture points to.
  • Form without Substance: Reading the Scripture without recognizing Jesus remains ineffective. It’s not just about studying the Bible as an intellectual or religious exercise, but about experiencing it as a living testimony to Jesus.
  1. The Scripture as the Foundation of Truth
Jesus shows that the Scripture not only has historical or moral significance but is a divine revelation:
  • Authority of the Scripture: The words of the Bible have divine authority and are a reliable testimony to the truth.
  • Eternal Life through the Scripture: The Scripture not only points to Jesus but invites us to receive eternal life through Him.
Jesus makes it clear that the Holy Scripture is not the goal in itself but points to Him—the way, the truth, and the life. It is an invitation to recognize Jesus and find eternal life in Him. As Christians, we are called to study the Scripture not only to gain knowledge but to encounter Jesus and experience the truth through Him.
Read Luke 24:27. Why is it important that Jesus first pointed to the Holy Scripture to reveal the significance of His ministry?
In Luke 24:27, Jesus shows how essential the Holy Scripture is to understanding His ministry, suffering, and resurrection. He explained to the disciples on the road to Emmaus everything “that was written about him in all the Scriptures.” This underscores the significance of the Scripture as a divine testimony about Jesus and His plan of salvation.
  1. The Holy Scripture as the Foundation for Understanding Jesus’ Ministry
Jesus pointed to the Scripture first because it forms the foundation for understanding His identity and mission:
  • Prophecies Fulfilled in Him: The Old Testament contains numerous prophecies about the Messiah. Through these revelations, Jesus showed that His life and work were part of God’s eternal plan.
  • Connection of Scripture and Faith: The disciples were confused about Jesus’ death. Through the Scripture, Jesus revealed that His suffering and resurrection were necessary to fulfill God’s plan.
  1. The Scripture as a Divine Testimony
The Scripture is more than a historical document. It is the word of God that points to Jesus:
  • Words of the Prophets: As Zechariah (Luke 1:70) and Peter (Acts 1:16) emphasized, God spoke through the prophets to announce the Messiah.
  • Divine Authority: The Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and conveys the truth about God’s character, His plan of salvation, and our relationship with Him.
  1. Why Jesus Mentioned the Scripture First
  • Trust in God’s Revelation: By using the Scripture as a foundation, He shows that the Bible is a reliable source for understanding the truth about God and the Messiah.
  • A Key to Interpretation: Without the Scripture, the disciples would not have been able to understand the connection between Jesus’ death, His resurrection, and God’s plan.
  • Significance for Us Today: We too are called to study the Scripture to understand Jesus’ mission and our role in God’s plan.
  1. The Bible as a Meaning-Giver for Life
The Bible is not a guide for science or technology, but it provides us with the framework to answer the greatest questions of life:
  • Who is God?: The Scripture reveals God’s nature, character, and His love for us.
  • Why Do We Exist?: The Bible shows our origin as God’s creation and our purpose as His beloved children.
  • Where is History Going?: It gives us hope by promising us a future with God through Jesus Christ.
Jesus showed that the Holy Scripture is the key to understanding His ministry and recognizing our relationship with God. The Bible is more than a book—it is the living word of God that gives us light and direction. By studying it, we learn who Jesus is, why He came, and how we can live in His light.
What teachings of truth are shown in the Bible that science, even in theory, can never convey to us?
The Bible offers teachings of truth that go beyond the realm of science and answer fundamental questions about our life, origin, and purpose. These truths are spiritual and existential in nature and cannot be grasped by science alone:
  1. The Origin of the Universe and Life
The Bible reveals that God is the Creator of all things (Genesis 1:1).
  • Creation as God’s Work: Science can examine how the universe works, but it cannot provide a definitive answer as to why it exists or who brought it into being.
  • The Purpose of Creation: The Bible shows that creation is not accidental but was made out of love and intention (Colossians 1:16).
  1. The Meaning and Purpose of Life
Science can analyze how life works, but it cannot find any meaning or purpose in it.
  • Biblical Teaching: The Bible teaches that the meaning of life lies in the relationship with God, who created us to love Him, honor Him, and have fellowship with Him (Ecclesiastes 12:13; Matthew 22:37).
  • Our Identity: The Bible teaches that we are created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), which gives our lives inherent value and special dignity.
  1. The Nature of Good and Evil
Science can describe how humans act, but it cannot explain why there is morality or what is absolutely right or wrong.
  • Biblical Teaching: The Bible shows that moral truth is rooted in God’s nature and will (Micah 6:8). Good and evil are not mere societal constructs but expressions of God’s character and law (Romans 2:14–15).
  1. The Problem of Sin
Science can examine the effects of wrongdoing, but it cannot fully explain or solve the cause—the sin.
  • Biblical Teaching: The Bible shows that sin is a separation from God, which originated through human disobedience (Romans 3:23). It also reveals God’s solution to the problem of sin in Jesus Christ (John 3:16).
  1. The Hope of Redemption
Science cannot provide definitive hope or certainty when it comes to death or life after death.
  • Biblical Teaching: The Bible teaches that through Jesus Christ, there is forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life (John 11:25–26). This hope provides comfort and direction in our earthly lives.
  1. The Relationship with God
Science cannot prove or disprove God, but the Bible shows that God has revealed Himself and seeks a personal relationship with us (John 14:6).
  • God’s Nearness: The Bible teaches that God became man in Christ to save us and show us the way to Him (John 1:14).
  • Prayer and Fellowship: Through the Bible, we learn that we can enter into a relationship with God—something that no scientific theory can explain.
  1. The Future of Humanity
Science can make predictions about the fate of the Earth or the universe, but it cannot give hope for eternity.
  • Biblical Teaching: The Bible promises a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness and peace will reign (Revelation 21:1–4). This future perspective gives us a hope that goes beyond the limits of science.
Science offers valuable insights into the natural world, but the deepest questions of life—about origin, meaning, morality, redemption, and future—are answered only by the Bible. These teachings of truth are not theoretical but existential, and they invite us to live our lives in the light of God’s revelation.
The teachings of the Bible and its central message about Jesus Christ not only have theological significance but also directly affect our daily lives and our faith. Here is how these truths can be integrated into our daily and spiritual lives:
  1. The Scripture as the Foundation for Guidance
The Bible is like a compass that guides us in a world full of uncertainties and conflicting opinions:
  • In Faith: The Scripture shows us who God is, how we can encounter Him, and what He has in store for us.
  • In Daily Life: Through the wisdom of the Bible, we can make ethical decisions, resolve conflicts, and act in relationships according to God’s principles.
  1. Focus on the Relationship with Jesus
The Scripture not only points to Jesus but also invites us to have a living relationship with Him:
  • Daily Encounter: By reading the Bible, we encounter Jesus and recognize His love and guidance for our lives.
  • Strengthening Trust: The promises of Scripture give us support in difficult times because we know that Jesus is our Redeemer and Lord.
  1. Truth as the Foundation of Life
The Bible teaches us that truth is not relative but is grounded in God’s nature and His word:
  • Faith and Integrity: By orienting ourselves to the truth of the Bible, we can build our lives on a solid foundation and act with honesty and faithfulness.
  • Freedom through Truth: As Jesus says in John 8:32, “The truth will set you free.” The truth of Scripture frees us from sin, guilt, and the confusion of a world without clear values.
  1. Hope in an Uncertain World
The Bible offers answers to the deepest questions of life—about the meaning of life, our origin, and our future:
  • Comfort in Suffering: The Scripture reminds us that God is with us even in difficult moments and has a plan for our lives.
  • Future Perspective: Through the promise of God’s kingdom, we have a hope that goes beyond the here and now.
  1. A Life that Honors God
The Bible gives us concrete instructions on how we can live out our faith practically:
  • Love for Others: The teachings of Jesus inspire us to love others, serve them, and show compassion.
  • Holiness: Through studying Scripture, we learn to align our lives more and more with God’s will.
The Bible is not just an old book or a collection of stories. It is the living word of God that gives us guidance, comfort, hope, and joy. Its teachings are an invitation to lead our lives in the light of the truth embodied in Jesus Christ. By studying Scripture, we can grow in our faith, live by God’s principles in our daily lives, and be fulfilled in a relationship with Jesus.

The Bible is the compass that leads us to God’s truth and into a living relationship with Jesus.

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