11.6 Summary
God’s Perfect Love and Justice
Lesson 11 deals with the question of whether God could have done more to reveal His love, justice, and truth. Through various biblical texts, it becomes clear that God gave everything to save humanity and to justify His name.
Christ the Conqueror (11.1)
Jesus has already defeated the enemy (1 Corinthians 15:57).
The cross shows that Satan is a defeated foe, even though he still operates.
Our daily trust in Christ determines whether we stand on the winning side.
The Righteous One and the Justifier (11.2)
The cross refutes Satan’s lies and demonstrates God’s perfect justice and love (Romans 3:25–26; 5:8).
Christ took our guilt upon Himself – this is the highest proof of God’s faithfulness and love.
The Song of My Beloved Friend (11.3)
Isaiah 5 shows that God provided everything for His “vineyard” (His people), yet they produced bad fruit.
The question “What more could I have done?” is answered at the cross: God did everything.
Christ’s Parable of the Vineyard (11.4)
Matthew 21:33–39 shows that people rejected God’s love and even killed His Son.
Yet God’s plan of redemption remains: He withheld nothing, but gave Himself completely.
The Justification of God’s Name (11.5)
God’s name was attacked by Satan, yet the cross and the plan of redemption show that God is perfectly just and loving.
At the end of time, the entire universe will acknowledge that God’s ways are just (Revelation 15:3; 19:1–6).
God did everything to save humanity. The cross is the irrefutable proof of His infinite love and justice. Now it is up to us to respond – with faith, gratitude, and a life that bears good fruit.
Lesson 11 shows us that God held nothing back in saving us. His love, justice, and faithfulness are finally proven through the cross. Yet this truth is not only about the past – it has direct implications for our daily lives and our faith.
Trusting in God’s Plan, Even When We Do Not Understand Everything
In life, we often encounter suffering, doubt, or injustice. Sometimes we ask, “Why does God allow this?”
The cross reminds us that God loves us unconditionally and remains faithful, even when we do not understand everything.
If God died for us, we can trust Him even in difficult times.
Every Day Is a Decision for or Against Christ
In the cosmic conflict between good and evil, there is no neutrality – our words, deeds, and thoughts reveal whether we are on God’s side.
Small decisions are important: honesty, patience, forgiveness, and neighborly love are “good fruit” that show we live from God (John 15:4–5).
Our response to challenges shows whether we trust in God’s truth.
The Cross as the Foundation for Our Actions
God first loved us (1 John 4:19), therefore we should also treat our fellow human beings with love – even when they hurt us.
God’s forgiveness on the cross teaches us to forgive others instead of harboring bitterness (Ephesians 4:32).
The sacrifice of Jesus challenges us to live selflessly and not only pursue our own desires.
Hope for the Final Victory
We live in a world full of injustice, yet evil does not have the last word!
God’s name will be justified, and everyone will recognize that He was always just and loving.
This assurance gives us courage to remain faithful, even when our faith is challenged by injustice or suffering.
God did everything to save us – now it is up to us to respond. Our everyday life is the arena where our faith becomes visible. Do we trust God? Do we live His love? Are we ready to bear fruit for Him?
The cross not only changes the past – it transforms our today and our tomorrow.
God gave everything to save us – now it is our turn to respond with trust and love.
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