12.3 “It Is Finished”
The Completed Work: Hope Through Jesus’ Sacrifice
Read John 19:25–27. What moving scene surrounding Jesus’ mother occurred at the cross?
The words “It is finished” (John 19:30) mark the climax of Jesus’ earthly ministry and the completion of His redemptive plan. In this moment, divine providence, deep love, and the greatest sacrifice come together. John 19:17–27 contains several key scenes that help us understand the significance of this event and learn from it for our lives.
The Inscription: A Silent Witness to the Truth
The inscription “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,” which Pilate had placed, holds a deeper meaning than Pilate himself understood:
For Pilate, the inscription was a means to mock the Jewish leaders, but from a divine perspective, it testified to the true identity of Jesus as King and Messiah.
The fact that the inscription was written in three languages—Latin, Greek, and Hebrew—symbolizes the universal reign of Jesus. He is not only the King of the Jews but the King of the entire world.
Lesson for Us: God often uses unexpected means to reveal the truth. Even if the world mocks Jesus as King, we should recognize Him as the true ruler in our hearts and lives.
The Divine Plan is Fulfilled
The inscription and the events surrounding the cross demonstrate how God’s plan is executed even amidst human wickedness and chaos. Nothing happens by chance, and even the cross, which stands for shame and defeat, becomes the throne from which Jesus reigns.
Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, the curse of death is lifted, and the way to God is opened.
The fulfillment of prophecies, such as those in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53, shows that God had a plan of redemption from the beginning.
Lesson for Us: Even in moments of suffering and despair, we can trust that God is pursuing His plan and that even the worst in our lives can be part of something greater.
Jesus’ Love and Care on the Cross
The scene where Jesus connects His mother Mary with John is a deeply moving moment. Despite His own suffering, Jesus shows a love and care that goes beyond His personal agony:
Mary is honored not only as His mother but as a symbol of the new community of believers that arises through His sacrifice.
John is referred to as the “beloved disciple,” signifying the intimate relationship between Jesus and His followers. This scene marks the birth of a spiritual family united not by blood but by faith.
Lesson for Us: Jesus’ care for Mary and John reminds us of how much He cares for each one of us, even amidst His own suffering. It is a call to show love and care for others, even when we ourselves are facing difficulties.
“It Is Finished”: Victory Over Sin and Death
With these words, Jesus declares that His mission is accomplished:
He has fully paid the price for sin, thereby removing the separation between God and humanity.
The triumph is not a worldly victory but a spiritual one. On the cross, it becomes evident that true strength and kingship lie in willingness to sacrifice and love.
Lesson for Us: “It is finished” means that nothing more needs to be added. Jesus’ sacrifice is complete, and we are invited to accept this redemption by faith. It also reminds us that true greatness lies in surrendering to God’s will.
The Significance for Our Faith and Daily Life
Acknowledge Jesus as King: The inscription challenges us to accept Jesus not only as Savior but also as King over our lives. Our lives should reflect His reign—in love, justice, and obedience to His word.
Comfort in Suffering: The cross shows that God is present in the midst of suffering and can use it as a tool for redemption. This encourages us to trust God’s plan even in difficult times.
Live in Love and Community: The connection between Mary and John serves as a model for the community of believers. We are called to love and support one another, especially in times of need.
The scenes in John 19:17–27 show that Jesus did not only suffer on the cross but also reigns. His last words, “It is finished,” declare victory and call us to believe in the completed work of redemption. They remind us that Jesus is our King who loves us, cares for us, and invites us to be part of His spiritual family. In light of this sacrifice, we can live with confidence and support others in His love.
Read John 19:28–30. What is the significance of Jesus’ last words “It is finished”?
Jesus’ words “It is finished!” (John 19:30) mark not only the end of His earthly suffering but also the completion of His divine mission. This brief yet profound statement encompasses several significant aspects that represent the climax of the salvation history and the fulfillment of God’s plan for humanity’s redemption.
Fulfillment of Holy Scripture
The Greek verb teleō, meaning “to complete” or “to finish,” links Jesus’ statement to the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. Jesus lived and died in complete accordance with God’s plan as foretold in the Scriptures (e.g., Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53).
Meaning: Everything God had prophesied for the salvation of humanity was fulfilled through Jesus. His death is not the end but the key to a new covenant between God and humanity.
Completion of the Work of Redemption
With “It is finished,” Jesus declares that the work of redemption is complete. On the cross, He bears the entire burden of humanity’s sin, breaks the power of evil, and opens the way to God. His sacrifice is perfect—nothing needs to be added.
Meaning for Us: We can trust in faith that Jesus has done everything necessary to reconcile us with God. Our redemption does not depend on our own efforts but solely on His completed work.
Victory Over Sin and Death
In the moment when Jesus appears to be defeated, He proclaims victory. His words are not an expression of defeat but of triumph. On the cross, the power of sin and death is broken, and His resurrection ultimately confirms this victory.
Meaning: Death does not have the final word. Jesus’ “It is finished” gives us hope for new life—a life that transcends the boundaries of death.
Obedience to the End
Jesus’ words also demonstrate His perfect obedience to the Father’s will. From the beginning of His ministry to His last breath, Jesus lived in complete dedication to God’s plan.
Meaning: This example challenges us to examine our own faith and obedience to God. Are we willing to trust in His will, even in difficult times?
An Invitation to Rest
“It is finished” also signals the end of the old system of sacrifices and laws. Jesus has made the perfect sacrifice once and for all. The tearing of the temple curtain symbolizes that access to God is now open to everyone.
Meaning: We can live in the assurance that our sins are forgiven and that we find true freedom and peace in Jesus.
A Universal Victory
The inscription on the cross, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,” and “It is finished” show that Jesus died not only for one people but for all humanity. His salvation is universal, for all who believe in Him.
Meaning: These words remind us that Jesus’ work is applicable to us today, regardless of our background, mistakes, or weaknesses.
The Invitation to Trust
Jesus’ work on the cross shows that He has accomplished everything necessary for our salvation. There is nothing more we need to add.
Meaning: We can free ourselves from the fear of not being “enough” or believing that our salvation depends on our works. It is finished—we can rest in God’s grace and trust that He has everything under control.
“It is finished!” is one of the most powerful and meaningful statements in the Bible. It represents the fulfillment of God’s plan, the completion of the work of redemption, and the victory over sin and death. These words invite us to trust in Jesus, live in His grace, and be assured that nothing more is needed to restore our relationship with God. It is finished—for all of us!
What does it mean for each of us when Jesus says “It is finished”? What was completed, and how does it affect our lives?
Jesus’ words “It is finished” (John 19:30) hold profound significance for each of us and are central to our faith. They represent the completion of Jesus’ mission and the turning point in the salvation history. But what was completed, and how does it affect our personal lives?
Completion of Redemption
What Was Completed? Jesus paid the price for our sins through His death on the cross. He bore the punishment we deserved and reconciled us with God. This sacrifice is perfect and final—nothing needs to be added.
Impact on Us: We can now stand before God with a clear conscience, not by our own works but solely through Jesus’ grace. His words give us the assurance that we are freed from our guilt and can live in a renewed relationship with God.
Fulfillment of Prophecies
What Was Completed? Jesus fully fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah (e.g., Isaiah 53, Psalm 22). His life, suffering, and death were part of God’s long-established plan.
Impact on Us: The fulfillment of Scripture shows us that God keeps His word. We can trust Him that His promises for our lives are true. Jesus’ “It is finished” strengthens our faith in God’s faithfulness.
Victory Over Sin and Death
What Was Completed? Through His death, Jesus broke the power of sin and death. Death no longer has the final say, and the separation from God has been overcome.
Impact on Us: We live in the freedom that Jesus has given us. We no longer have to live under the burden of sin but can hope for eternal life. Death has lost its sting because Jesus has conquered it.
Access to God
What Was Completed? The old system of animal sacrifices and the law, which was meant to reconcile people with God, is ended. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice, offered once for all. The tearing of the temple curtain symbolizes that access to God is now open to everyone.
Impact on Us: We can come directly to God at any time. We no longer need mediators but can live in prayer and fellowship with Him. This gives us comfort, peace, and a deep connection with our Creator.
A New Life and Identity
What Was Completed? Through His death, Jesus not only freed us from guilt but also granted us the opportunity for a new life. We are new creations in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Impact on Us: Our lives gain new meaning and direction. We can live as children of God, supported by His love, and grow in this new identity.
A Universal Invitation
What Was Completed? Jesus died not only for the Jews but for all humanity. His sacrifice is universal, applicable to everyone who believes in Him.
Impact on Us: We are invited to share this good news with others and invite them to experience the freedom and forgiveness in Jesus. It also reminds us that we are part of a global community of believers.
The Invitation to Trust
What Was Completed? Jesus’ work on the cross shows that He has accomplished everything necessary for our salvation. There is nothing more we need to add.
Impact on Us: We can free ourselves from the fear of not being “enough” or believing that our salvation depends on our works. It is finished—we can rest in God’s grace and trust that He has everything under control.
When Jesus says, “It is finished,” it means for us:
Freedom: We are freed from the power of sin.
Hope: Death does not have the final word—we have a living hope for eternal life.
Security: Our redemption is complete; nothing can separate us from God’s love.
Access: We can approach God at any time.
Responsibility: This love and grace motivate us to live our lives for Him and share this message with others.
“It is finished” is the triumphant cry of God’s love that forever changes our lives. It invites us to respond with peace in our hearts, confidence in our faith, and gratitude in our lives.
The connection between Jesus’ words “It is finished” (John 19:30) and our daily lives and faith is profoundly significant. These words not only mark the completion of Jesus’ work but also have practical implications for how we live and believe as believers.
Peace and Security in Faith
What It Means: Jesus’ “It is finished” shows that our salvation is complete. We do not need to add or earn anything. His sacrifice is complete.
Impact on Our Lives: We can live with the assurance that we are accepted by God. This certainty brings peace in a daily life often marked by pressure to perform and insecurity.
Example: When we feel inadequate or fear not being enough, we can remember that Jesus has accomplished everything necessary to reconcile us with God.
Freedom from Guilt and Sin
What It Means: On the cross, Jesus broke the power of sin. We are no longer bound by our past or our mistakes.
Impact on Our Lives: We can free ourselves from feelings of guilt and live in the freedom that Jesus gives us. This freedom encourages us to forgive others and live a life of grace.
Example: In difficult relationships, we can practice forgiveness because Jesus has forgiven us—even on the cross.
Hope in Difficult Times
What It Means: “It is finished” shows that even in the darkest moments, God’s plan is effective. Jesus’ death seemed like a defeat but was the greatest victory.
Impact on Our Lives: In our own challenges, we can trust that God is at work in our suffering and crises. His plans go beyond what we can see.
Example: In times of illness, loss, or uncertainty, we can trust the hope that Jesus’ victory over death gives us.
Devotion and Obedience
What It Means: Jesus lived in perfect obedience to the Father’s will. His “It is finished” is an expression of His dedication and love.
Impact on Our Lives: We are invited to align our lives with God’s will and follow Him with dedication. This means aligning our decisions, priorities, and actions with Jesus.
Example: In daily life, this dedication is reflected in how we use our time and resources—for God, for others, and for our calling.
Love and Care in Community
What It Means: Jesus cared for His mother Mary and His disciple John on the cross, even during His suffering.
Impact on Our Lives: We are called to love and support one another in the community of believers. Jesus’ love inspires us to be there for others, even in difficult times.
Example: In moments when we feel overwhelmed, we can still lend a listening ear to others and offer them comfort or practical help.
Responsibility to Share the Message
What It Means: Jesus’ “It is finished” is a message of hope and redemption for everyone.
Impact on Our Lives: We are invited to share this message with others—whether through words or the way we live.
Example: In conversations with friends or colleagues, we can express our trust in God and share our hope with others.
Gratitude and Worship
What It Means: Jesus’ sacrifice is the greatest gift we could ever receive. It is an expression of His boundless love.
Impact on Our Lives: Our daily lives can be marked by gratitude and worship. This attitude changes how we handle challenges and how we carry God’s love into the world.
Example: Every day, we can thank God for His grace and show our gratitude through our words, actions, and prayers.
Jesus’ words “It is finished” invite us to view our lives from a new perspective:
Freedom from Guilt: We are free from the burden of sin.
Hope in Crises: Our suffering has a place in God’s plan.
Devotion in Daily Life: We can live in love, care, and obedience.
Gratitude and Worship: We can thank God and share His love with others.
These words are not just a theological concept but a living reality that can shape every aspect of our lives. They remind us that we can live with confidence, love, and hope in the assurance of Jesus’ completed work.
In the humility and suffering of Jesus, we recognize the true King who gives Himself for us and shows us what real love means.
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