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13.5 Abiding in Jesus
The Key to True Discipleship
Read John 12:32. How does this striking statement describe the authority of Jesus Christ?
John 12:32 highlights the central authority of Jesus Christ in the history of salvation: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” This statement illustrates Jesus’ divine power to transform hearts and lives by calling people from all nations and cultures to Himself. It emphasizes His sovereignty and role as the focal point of redemption. However, this drawing does not happen compulsorily but requires our decision to respond to His light.
  1. The Authority of Jesus in John 12:32
Here, Jesus speaks of His crucifixion, which is the climax of His life and ministry. This exaltation—both physically on the cross and spiritually as the Savior—clarifies that He is the only way to God. His authority does not come from worldly power but from His dedication of life for humanity. In this act, the infinite wisdom and love of God are revealed, surpassing human wisdom.
  1. Responding to the Light
The Gospel of John shows us that encountering Jesus always requires a decision: either for the light or against the light. People like Nicodemus or the royal official who accepted the light grew in faith. Others, like the religious leaders, rejected the light and fell into blindness. This dynamic remains relevant today. Every person faces the choice to respond to Jesus’ call.
  1. The Danger of “Theology from Below”
“Theology from below,” which places human wisdom above divine revelation, will always lead to error and confusion. It misunderstands God’s perfect perspective and relies instead on the limited and often biased human viewpoint. In our time, we see similar challenges: attempts to replace God’s place with human logic or culture result in false worship and a departure from the truth.
  1. Remaining in Jesus
Remaining in Jesus means acknowledging His authority and truth and rooting our lives in Him. It requires humility to set aside our own understanding and allow His word and Spirit to guide us. Only then can we follow the light and grow spiritually.
Conclusion John 12:32 reveals the universal attraction and authority of Jesus, culminating in His sacrifice on Golgotha. Yet this authority also calls us to a decision: Will we let Jesus’ light guide us, or follow the limited perspective of “theology from below”? Remaining in Jesus means daily choosing His truth and love.
Read John 15:1–11. What is the secret of spiritual growth and spiritual health?
The image of the vine and the branches in John 15:1–11 provides deep insight into the secret of spiritual growth and spiritual health: the connection to Jesus. This connection is not only the foundation for our life as Christians but also the source of fruitfulness, joy, and steadfastness in faith.
  1. Jesus, the True Vine
Jesus describes Himself as the “true vine,” the life-giving source for the branches—that is, believers. Only in continuous connection with Him can we grow and bear fruit. Without Him, we are like cut branches that wither and cannot produce fruit. This image emphasizes that our spiritual health does not result from our own efforts but from a living relationship with Christ.
  1. The Word as a Key
The Bible, the written word of God, is an essential part of this connection. It nourishes and guides us, corrects and encourages us. Ellen White emphasizes that we must subordinate our views and opinions to Scripture. In a world full of voices and opinions, God’s word remains the standard by which we recognize truth and align our lives.
  1. The Role of the Spirit
The Holy Spirit, another member of the Godhead, draws us to Jesus and gives us the strength to remain in Him. This divine attraction works like a magnet, bringing us closer to God as long as we do not actively resist it. Spiritual growth happens when we allow the Spirit to work and do not close our hearts.
  1. Bearing Fruit through Community
Bearing fruit—love, joy, patience, and other fruits of the Spirit—is the visible sign of our connection with Christ. However, fruit does not arise from our own efforts but from continual fellowship with the vine. These fruits are the result of grace and obedience, not of performance or compulsion.
  1. Joy and Fulfillment in Connection
In John 15:11, Jesus promises that our remaining in Him and His word in us leads to full joy. This joy is not dependent on external circumstances but is based on the inner assurance of being rooted in God’s love and will.
Conclusion The secret of spiritual growth lies in the continuous connection with Jesus, the true vine. Through the Bible, the work of the Holy Spirit, and our dedication to God, we are nourished and empowered to remain spiritually healthy and bear fruit. By subordinating our views to God’s word and being drawn to Christ, we experience not only spiritual growth but also a joy and fulfillment found only in Him. Jesus invites us: Remain in me, so that you may bear fruit and my joy may be complete in you.
The teachings from John 12:32 and John 15:1–11 offer not only a theological perspective but also practical applications for our daily lives and faith. They challenge us to actively root our lives in the relationship with Jesus and to shape our everyday lives from this connection.
  1. Daily Trust in Jesus’ Authority
The statement in John 12:32 reminds us that Jesus is the central authority in our lives. In daily life, this means:
  • Trusting God in Challenges: Whether in professional decisions, family conflicts, or health concerns, we can remember that Jesus is in control.
  • Making Decisions: We should make our choices in a way that reflects Jesus’ light and allow Him to guide us instead of relying on human wisdom.
  1. Remaining in Jesus – A Daily Practice
The connection with Jesus as the true vine is not a one-time decision but a daily process:
  • Prayer and Bible Study: Daily contact with God’s word is essential to nourish and strengthen us spiritually. Through Scripture, we hear His voice and recognize how to live according to His will.
  • Living Relationship: Remaining in Jesus also means maintaining an active relationship by bringing our worries, joys, and decisions to Him in prayer.
  1. Bearing Fruit in Community
The fruits that arise from our connection with Jesus are not only for ourselves but also to benefit others:
  • Love and Patience in Daily Life: Whether in the family, workplace, or neighborhood, our actions should be characterized by the love and patience that flow from our connection with Jesus.
  • Serving Others: The fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23) manifest in practical life through forgiveness, helping others, and encouragement. This allows us to bring the light of Christ into our surroundings.
  1. Protection from Distractions and False Voices
As Ellen White emphasizes, there are many voices in the world that seek to distract our attention from Jesus:
  • Testing by God’s Word: We should always compare our opinions, media, and teachings with the Bible. This helps us avoid being led astray by false teachings or “theology from below.”
  • Focus on Christ: By consciously choosing to be guided by Jesus and not by worldly things, we preserve our spiritual health.
  1. Experiencing Joy and Fulfillment in Christ
Jesus promises us in John 15:11 a deep, lasting joy when we remain in Him. This joy is not tied to external circumstances but arises from:
  • Secure Identity: We know that we are accepted and loved in Jesus.
  • Purposeful Life: By bearing fruit and following God’s will, we experience the fulfillment that only He can provide.
Conclusion The connection with Jesus influences our lives in all areas—from work to our relationships. By remaining in Him, we are strengthened, challenged, and empowered to do His will. The secret of spiritual growth and joy lies in daily recognizing His authority and aligning our lives with His truth. Jesus invites us to remain in Him so that our everyday lives become a reflection of His love and glory.

Remain in Jesus, for in Him you find the strength to bear fruit and experience true joy.

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