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13.1 The Law of Love
The Ten Commandments – An Expression of Lived Love
Read Exodus 20:1–17. How do these verses reveal the two principles of love for God and love for others?
The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1–17 wonderfully reveal the divine order founded on love—love for God and love for one’s neighbor. These two principles lie at the heart of God’s character and thus at the heart of His law.
Jesus Himself made it clear in Matthew 22:37–40 that all commandments rest on two foundational pillars:
  1. Love for God – visible in the first four commandments:
    • No other gods
    • No idols
    • Do not misuse God’s name
    • Keep the Sabbath holy
These commandments show how we are to approach God with reverence, devotion, and trust.
  1. Love for one’s neighbor – expressed in the last six commandments:
    • Honor your father and mother
    • You shall not kill
    • You shall not commit adultery
    • You shall not steal
    • You shall not lie
    • You shall not covet
These commandments help us live a life of respect, faithfulness, honesty, and justice—an expression of genuine love for others.
The idea that one no longer needs to keep the law as long as one “just loves” is contradictory, because the law first shows us what love looks like. Without the law, love would be an arbitrary concept, dependent on feelings and interpretation. But God has given us clear standards on how love is to be lived out—through His commandments.
True love leads to obedience, not out of a sense of duty, but from a heart filled by God. Whoever loves God wants to please Him—and does so by respecting and living by His Word. Therefore, love and law are not opposites but inseparable partners.
“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3)
In this sense, the law is not a contradiction to love but its practical unfolding.
How could we express our love for God or for others if we break one of the Ten Commandments?
This is a very important and profound question because it touches the core of what it truly means to love God and our neighbor.
If we break one of the Ten Commandments, we essentially deny the love we claim to have for God or for other people. Why?
  1. Love is shown through actions
    Love is not just a feeling or a nice word—it shows itself very concretely in our behavior.
    If someone says, “I love you,” but constantly lies, hurts, or disrespects you, then those words are empty.
    It’s the same with our relationship to God. Jesus says in John 14:15:
    “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”
  2. Breaking the law harms the relationship
    • If we love God, for example, we will not worship other gods or misuse His name.
    • If we love people, we will not steal from them, lie to them, or harm them—physically or emotionally.
Breaking a commandment is always a break with love—because we disregard the well-being of the other person or God’s honor.
  1. God seeks a genuine heart-connection
    God sees the heart. When we stumble, He is merciful—but we must return to Him with a sincere heart. This means:
    • Recognize and confess our guilt
    • Ask for forgiveness
    • Realign ourselves—in love and obedience
True love is also revealed in our willingness to repent and in our desire to do God’s will.
A life that ignores God’s commandments cannot express true love—neither to God nor to people. Love becomes visible through obedience to what God has defined as good and right. Therefore, the attitude of our hearts is crucial: do we truly want to love the way God loves? Then it will be reflected in our lives—through faithfulness, honesty, respect, and devotion.
“Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” (Romans 13:10)
God’s law—an expression of His love—is not just a theological idea or a topic for church. It directly influences our daily lives. The Ten Commandments are meant not only to regulate our behavior but also to shape our hearts. They show us how faith can be lived out in everyday life.
Here are some concrete connections:
  1. Faith is demonstrated in everyday life through lived love
    If we want to love God and our neighbor, it is not enough to talk about it in church—we have to make it tangible in our daily lives:
    • In the family through respect, patience, and forgiveness (e.g., “Honor your father and mother”).
    • In the workplace through honesty, reliability, and fairness (e.g., “You shall not steal”).
    • In traffic, in conversations, on social media—everywhere we interact with people, we show how deeply we have internalized God’s commandments.
  2. The law as a mirror for our daily actions
    The commandments help us reflect on our own behavior:
    • Am I truthful in my speech and actions?
    • Do I respect other people’s boundaries?
    • Does my leisure time negatively impact my relationship with God (e.g., the Sabbath)?
    • Do I covet what belongs to others instead of being thankful for what God has given me?
In these questions, the law becomes alive and personal—it accompanies us throughout our day and helps us grow in love.
  1. When we fail: grace and realignment
    We are not perfect. But if we break a commandment, God does not call us to condemnation but to repentance and to renewing our relationship with Him and others. In everyday life, this means:
    • Not remaining proud or stubborn but admitting mistakes
    • Asking for forgiveness—from God and, if necessary, from people
    • Beginning anew—strengthened by God’s grace
  2. A testimony to others
    People observe our lives. When we live in love, truth, and integrity, our daily life becomes a living testimony for God. Obeying the commandments out of love is a powerful expression of our faith—not as compulsion, but as fruit of our relationship with Jesus.
In summary:
The law of love affects every area of our lives:
  • Our speech
  • Our thinking
  • Our actions
  • Our decisions
  • Our relationships
It is not a rigid standard but a living guide on how we can live in God’s love—day by day. Thus, our everyday life becomes the place where faith becomes visible.
“Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.” (Luke 11:28)
Would you like to go through some everyday examples of how each commandment can be practiced concretely?

True love is not shown merely in words, but in faithfully living according to God’s commandments.

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