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13.6 Summary
The Triumph of God’s Love: Hope, Justice, and the Final Destiny
Lesson 13 highlights the triumph of God’s love over sin and death by examining biblical prophecies and their fulfillment in the final events of human history.
  1. Hope in Difficult Times (Revelation 22:11-12; Daniel 12:1-2; Jeremiah 30:5-7):
    • These verses describe the intense trials humanity will face before Christ’s return. God’s people will endure this time of tribulation by trusting in His promises and remaining firm in their faith. The assurance that God will not forget His people provides comfort and hope.
  2. Preparation for Tribulation (1 John 3:1-3; 8:29; 14:30):
    • The only adequate preparation for the coming time of tribulation is a deep, personal relationship with Jesus. This relationship should be characterized by purity, trust, and the desire to please Jesus in all things.
  3. Comfort and Confidence (John 14:1-3; Titus 2:11-14):
    • The promise of Christ’s return and eternal life offers comfort and confidence, especially during times of tribulation. This hope motivates believers to lead holy lives and eagerly await Christ’s appearance.
  4. The Millennium on Earth (Revelation 20:1-3):
    • During the millennium, Satan will be bound on a desolate earth, unable to deceive anyone. This period serves to highlight the just punishment for sin and confirm God’s justice.
  5. The Final Judgment (Jeremiah 4:23-26; 25:33):
    • These prophecies describe the complete destruction of the earth and the end of human civilization as we know it. God’s justice will be revealed, and the final destruction of the wicked shows that sin and rebellion have no place in God’s kingdom.
  6. Two Eternities (2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10-11; Revelation 20:11-15):
    • At the end, humanity faces one of two eternities: eternal life for the righteous and eternal death for the wicked. The resurrection and judgment of the wicked demonstrate God’s justice and affirm that everyone must bear the consequences of their choices.
Lesson 13, dealing with the triumph of God’s love and the final events of human history, has profound implications for our daily lives and faith. Here are some connections and applications:
  1. Hope and Confidence:
    • Daily Challenges: Knowing the ultimate triumph of God gives us hope and confidence amid our daily challenges and trials. We can remember that despite all difficulties and sufferings we experience, God is in control and will ultimately prevail.
    • Future Perspective: This perspective helps us view our current problems in the light of eternity. It reminds us that our sufferings are temporary and that a better future awaits us.
  2. Trust in God’s Justice:
    • Justice in Daily Life: The teachings about God’s final judgment and His just reign strengthen our trust in His justice. This can help us cope with injustices and inequalities in our lives, knowing that God will ultimately set everything right.
    • Patience and Forbearance: Knowing God’s patience and forbearance encourages us to be patient and forbearing, especially when enduring injustices or waiting for God’s intervention.
  3. Responsibility and Holiness:
    • Life Conduct: Recognizing that our decisions and actions have consequences and that we will give an account to God motivates us to live a life of holiness and obedience to God’s commandments.
    • Daily Decisions: This teaching reminds us to live consciously and responsibly, striving for purity, justice, and love in all our daily decisions and interactions.
  4. Evangelism and Witnessing:
    • Sharing Hope: The urgency of the message of two eternities—eternal life or eternal death—encourages us to actively share the gospel. We should strive to tell others about God’s love, justice, and plan of salvation.
    • Being a Witness: Our lives should be a testimony to the faith and hope we have in Christ. Through our behavior and words, we can inspire others to accept Jesus as their Savior.
  5. Community and Encouragement:
    • Strengthening the Community: Studying and reflecting on God’s plan together can strengthen our faith community. We can encourage and support each other, especially in difficult times.
    • Prayer and Intercession: The teaching about the final judgment and eternity reminds us of the importance of prayer and intercession for others. We should pray for the salvation of our fellow humans and support them in their faith.
  6. Gratitude and Worship:
    • Gratitude for God’s Grace: Understanding the depth of God’s love and grace as revealed in His plan of salvation should lead us to deep gratitude. We can be thankful every day for Jesus’ sacrifice and the hope of eternal life.
    • Worship and Praise: This gratitude should be expressed in our daily lives through worship and praise. We can praise God for His justice, love, and the promises He has given us.
Lesson 13, which deals with the triumph of God’s love, offers profound insights that influence our daily lives and faith. It gives us hope and confidence, strengthens our trust in God’s justice, motivates us to live a holy life, and encourages us to share the gospel. It strengthens our community and encourages us to be thankful and worshipful. By integrating these teachings into our daily lives, we can lead a fulfilled and meaningful life that honors God and prepares us for eternal fellowship with Him.

Our only hope for eternal life lies in the righteousness of Jesus, who saves us by His grace and spares us from the deserved wages of sin.

1.Why has God allowed sin to continue for so long? Yet, no person in this world suffers longer than their own life span. How short is a human life compared to the thousands of years of sin? How can this perspective help us deal with the difficult question of evil?
The question of why God has allowed sin to continue for so long is a profound and complex theological issue that has troubled many. Several aspects can help us understand this question:
  1. Free Will and Freedom of Choice:
    • God created humans with free will, which includes the ability to choose between good and evil. This freedom of choice is an expression of God’s love and respect for His creatures. Without the possibility of rejecting God, genuine obedience and love would not be possible.
  2. Revelation of the Nature of Sin:
    • The long duration of sin demonstrates the destructive and devastating nature of sin. Throughout human history, it becomes clear how terrible the consequences of sin are, causing suffering, pain, and death.
  3. Justice and Grace:
    • God’s plan for redemption and justice involves patience and long-suffering. He gives people time to repent and accept His grace. This patience shows God’s love and His desire that no one should perish (2 Peter 3:9).
  4. Demonstration of Divine Justice:
    • The long duration of sin allows God to reveal His justice and how He deals with sin before the entire universe. In the end, it becomes evident that God’s judgments are just and that He did everything to save humanity.
No person suffers longer than their own life:
The fact that no person suffers longer than their own life is a significant comfort. A human life, however long or short, is finite. Suffering in this world is temporary and ends with death. This perspective emphasizes the transience of earthly existence.
Comparison of a human life to the thousands of years of sin:
  1. Transience of Life:
    • A human life is very short compared to the thousands of years of sin. This perspective helps us recognize that our time on earth is limited and that suffering, no matter how intense, is only temporary.
  2. Eternal Perspective:
    • The Bible teaches that the eternal life God promises to those who believe in Him is infinitely longer and better than earthly life. This eternal perspective helps us endure present sufferings and look forward to future glory (Romans 8:18).
  3. Trust in God’s Plan:
    • The long duration of sin shows that God has a comprehensive plan beyond our understanding. Trusting in God’s wisdom and plan helps us endure present challenges and the evil in the world.
How this perspective can help us deal with the difficult question of evil:
  1. Patience and Hope:
    • Knowing that our suffering is limited and that God has an ultimate plan to overcome evil can give us patience and hope. We can trust that God will ultimately turn everything to good.
  2. Trust in God’s Justice:
    • Understanding that God’s justice will be fully revealed in the end helps us trust that God sees all and will judge righteously in the end, even in times of suffering and injustice.
  3. Focus on the Eternal:
    • Focusing on eternal promises and the coming kingdom of God can help us put the difficulties of the present life in perspective and direct our gaze to the larger picture.
  4. Encouragement to Repentance and Faith:
    • Recognizing that our time is limited and that God gives us the opportunity to repent should motivate us to strengthen our faith and live a life in accordance with God’s will.
These perspectives can help us better understand and endure the existence of evil and suffering in the world by relying on God’s plan and His ultimate justice.

2.How does the thousand-year period known as the Millennium fit into the plan of redemption? Reflect on what it says about God’s character that the final judgment of the lost will come only after all the redeemed have had the opportunity to recognize God’s justice, fairness, and love.
The Millennium Period in the Plan of Redemption and God’s Character
Fitting the Millennium into the Plan of Redemption:
The thousand-year period known as the Millennium is a significant part of God’s plan of redemption. It is described in Revelation 20 and follows the return of Jesus Christ. Here are the key aspects and how they fit into the plan of redemption:
  1. Second Coming of Christ and Resurrection of the Righteous:
    • The Millennium begins with the second coming of Christ, during which the righteous are resurrected and reign with Christ in heaven (Revelation 20:4-6). This marks the start of a time when the redeemed are rewarded for their faithfulness and are with Christ.
  2. Satan Bound:
    • Satan is bound for a thousand years and is confined on a desolate, depopulated earth (Revelation 20:1-3). This prevents him from deceiving anyone and demonstrates God’s power and justice over evil.
  3. Judgment of the Lost:
    • During the Millennium, the judgment of the lost takes place. The redeemed have the opportunity to review the books and see God’s justice (Revelation 20:4). This ensures that God’s decisions are recognized as fair and just.
  4. Final Destruction of Evil:
    • After the Millennium, the wicked are resurrected, and Satan is briefly released to deceive them one last time. This leads to a final rebellion, which is ended by fire from God out of heaven (Revelation 20:7-10). The final destruction of evil and the creation of a new heaven and a new earth follow (Revelation 21:1).
What the Millennium Period Says About God’s Character:
  1. Justice:
    • God’s decision to hold the final judgment of the lost only after the Millennium shows His justice. He gives the redeemed the opportunity to understand His decisions and see the justice of His judgments. This confirms that God acts justly and no one is condemned without a fair examination.
  2. Fairness:
    • The transparency of the judgment process demonstrates God’s fairness. The redeemed can review the books and recognize that all judgments are just and fair. This eliminates any doubt about God’s fairness and ensures that the entire universe accepts His decisions.
  3. Love:
    • God’s love is shown in His patience and long-suffering. He gives all people ample opportunity to repent and be saved. The Millennium period allows the redeemed to fully understand the depth of His love and the efforts He made to save humanity.
  4. Patience:
    • God’s patience is evident through the long period of the Millennium. He does not rush to judgment but gives all involved time to recognize and accept the reasons for His decisions. This shows His deep patience and His effort to remove all doubt.
  5. Sovereignty:
    • The Millennium period demonstrates God’s complete control and sovereignty over all creation. It shows that God ultimately defeats evil and establishes His just reign. The redeemed can trust that God’s plan is perfect and that He controls history and the universe.
The Millennium period is a central part of the plan of redemption that reveals God’s justice, fairness, love, patience, and sovereignty. During this time, the redeemed have the opportunity to understand God’s judgments and recognize His justice. This removes all doubt about God’s fairness and love and prepares the way for the final destruction of evil and the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. By understanding these aspects of the Millennium, we can strengthen our trust and confidence in God’s plan and His perfect reign over the universe.
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