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Lesson 3: Light Shines in the Darkness
Light in Darkness: Vigilance and Truth in a Changing World
In Lesson 3, we delve deeper into the interplay of truth and deception as depicted in the Bible. Referring to the words of Jesus and the writings of Apostle Paul, we are made aware of the subtle seductions and false doctrines that can jeopardize our spiritual journey. The importance of the Holy Scriptures as our unwavering foundation and shield against spiritual deception is emphasized. The lesson urges us to actively preserve and spread the light of the Gospel to provide guidance in an increasingly confusing and threatened world of darkness. It encourages us to heighten our spiritual vigilance and cling to the guiding power of the Bible to strengthen and protect our faith.

3.1 Compromise: Satan’s Subtle Strategy
Recognizing Truth: Jesus and Satan’s Strategies in Light of Scripture
Compare John 14:6 with 8:44. What contrast between the character of Jesus and Satan is evident in these two verses?
In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” In John 8:44, Jesus describes Satan’s character, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
The contrast between the character of Jesus and the character of Satan is clearly visible in these two verses:
  1. Truth vs. Lie: Jesus is the embodiment of truth, while Satan is the father of lies. Jesus speaks the truth because He is the truth that comes from God. In contrast, Satan is willing to spread lies and deception to lead people astray.
  2. Path to Life vs. Temptation to Death: Jesus is the path to eternal life and to the Father. He offers redemption, hope, and a fulfilled life. Satan, on the other hand, is a murderer and tempter aiming to divert people from God and His path of truth and life.
  3. Divine Authority vs. Self-will: Jesus speaks and acts in accordance with the will of the Father. He is the incarnation of divine love, wisdom, and power. Satan, however, acts from his own will and self-interest, disregarding the truth and the well-being of people.
In summary, John 14:6 and 8:44 highlight the profound contrast between the divine character of Jesus and the corrupt character of Satan. Jesus stands for truth, life, and love, while Satan represents lies, death, and deception. It is important to be aware of these differences and choose the path of Jesus and the truth.
Read Proverbs 23:23 and John 17:17; 8:32. What similarities do you see in these Bible verses regarding the truth of God’s Word? What is their central message?
Proverbs 23:23 says, “Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.” John 17:17 states, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”
John 8:32 declares, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The similarities in these Bible verses regarding the truth of God’s Word are:
  1. Truth as an indispensable value: In Proverbs 23:23, truth is portrayed as something of immeasurable value. It should be valued, sought after, and preserved.
  2. The Word of God as the source of truth: In John 17:17, God’s Word is directly associated with truth. It is the Holy Scripture that provides us with true knowledge and revelation of God’s truth.
  3. Freedom through truth: John 8:32 emphasizes that recognizing the truth leads to freedom. The truth of God’s Word has the power to free us from errors, deceptions, and the bonds of sin.
The central message of these Bible verses is the significance and power of the truth of God’s Word. They teach us to seek, value, and preserve the truth. God’s Word is the infallible source of truth that guides, educates, and liberates us. It is crucial that we rely on the Holy Scripture to recognize and live in the truth.
Jesus Himself, during His temptation in the desert test Luke 4:1–13, repeatedly referred to the Word of God to resist Satan. The Bible is a powerful tool that reveals truth to us and gives us the strength to resist the attacks of the enemy and walk in God’s wisdom and truth. It is of utmost importance that people have access to the Holy Scripture and can study it to recognize the truth and protect themselves from deceptions.
Discuss how Satan tries to distort or misinterpret God’s Word today.
Satan employs various strategies to distort or misinterpret God’s Word, especially in today’s modern world where information is easily accessible, and there exist many different opinions and interpretations. Here are some common methods Satan uses to distort the truth of God’s Word:
  1. False teachings and heresies: Satan promotes false teachings and heresies that deviate from biblical truth. He deceives people into accepting false beliefs and interpretations that do not align with Scripture. This can happen through false prophets, cults, or misleading religious movements.
  2. Dilution of Moral Values: In a world drifting further from Christian values, Satan tries to relativize or discard the moral and ethical commandments of the Bible. He promotes moral relativism that blurs the distinction between right and wrong.
  3. Cultural Adaptation and Modernization: Satan exploits cultural change and societal trends to adapt or alter God’s Word to current norms and values. He promotes a “modern” interpretation of the Bible that deviates from traditional and historical interpretation.
  4. Doubt and Skepticism: Satan tries to sow doubt and skepticism about the reliability and truth of the Bible. He questions the authority and inspiration of Scripture to divert people from the absolute truth of God’s Word.
  5. Using Out-of-Context Scriptures: Satan can take individual Bible verses out of context or misquote them to convey a misleading message. He exploits ignorance or unfamiliarity with Scripture to spread false teachings.
  6. Secular Philosophies and Ideologies: Satan uses secular philosophies, ideologies, and scientific theories that contradict biblical teachings to influence the understanding and interpretation of Scripture. He tries to reconcile the Bible with human beliefs and schools of thought rather than considering it as the infallible Word of God.
It is important to be vigilant, study the Scripture, and remain in prayer to protect ourselves from Satan’s deceptions and distortions. Through a solid knowledge of the Bible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can recognize the truth, expose false teachings, and walk in the right doctrine.

The connection between these biblical concepts and our daily life and faith is profound and relevant. Here are some key aspects that illustrate this connection:
  1. Choosing Truth: In a world flooded with information and various opinions and interpretations, we must actively seek the truth and choose it. This requires a conscious commitment to study, reflect on, and apply the Holy Scripture in our lives.
  2. Resisting Compromise: Satan often uses subtle methods to tempt us to compromise our beliefs and principles. We must remain vigilant and steadfast to resist the temptations and deceptions that want to divert us from the truth.
  3. Building a Solid Foundation: Our relationship with God and our understanding of His Word should be based on a solid and unshakable foundation. This helps us remain steadfast and be guided by the truth in difficult times and challenges.
  4. Freedom through Truth: The truth of God’s Word has the power to free us from the bonds of sin, errors, and deceptions. By recognizing and living in the truth, we can lead a life characterized by God’s love, wisdom, and freedom.
  5. Community in Faith: It is important to be in a community of believers who encourage, strengthen, and support each other. Joint prayer, Bible study, and fellowship promote our spiritual growth and help us stay in the truth.
In conclusion, it is crucial to be vigilant, steadfast, and committed in our daily life and faith. We must actively seek the truth, resist compromises, and have a solid foundation in God’s Word. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and community in faith, we can recognize, live in, and lead a fulfilled and God-pleasing life.

Thought of the Day: Truth remains unshakable, even when lies and deceptions attempt to overshadow it.

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