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4.3 The Two Disciples of John
The Disciples Recognize Jesus as the Messiah
Read John 1:35–39. What did the two disciples do after they heard John’s testimony about Jesus?
In John 1:35–39, we learn that two disciples of John the Baptist—among them Andrew—were standing with him as Jesus passed by. When John pointed to Jesus and exclaimed, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36), the two disciples immediately responded. They left John and followed Jesus because they recognized that Jesus was the fulfillment of the message that John had proclaimed to them. This was a decisive moment, as the disciples recognized the true Messiah through John’s testimony and changed their lives.
The Decision to Follow Jesus
After hearing John’s testimony, the two disciples sought the proximity of Jesus. They spent the day with Him to learn more and build a deeper relationship with Him. This is a significant step: they did not follow out of mere curiosity, but from a genuine desire to find the truth. This encounter with Jesus must have been deeply impressive, for it did not take long for Andrew to feel the need to share the good news further. He immediately sought out his brother Simon (Peter) and told him, “We have found the Messiah” (John 1:41).
The Transformative Encounter
This first encounter of the disciples with Jesus had a transformative power. Andrew’s enthusiasm shows how strongly the encounter with the Messiah changed the disciples’ lives. Jesus already knew Peter when he came to Him and gave him a new name: Cephas (Peter). This name change indicates that Jesus recognizes the hearts of people and sees their destiny before they themselves know it. The Gospel of John places particular emphasis on the fact that Jesus knows and understands each person deeply, which was of great significance for Peter and the later events.
The Significance for Our Lives
This section reminds us how crucial it is to listen to the testimony about Jesus and to follow Him. The disciples followed Jesus not out of tradition or a sense of duty, but out of a deep conviction that He is the true Messiah. Their decision to stay with Jesus and learn from Him led to a radically changed life that later resulted in the spread of the message. We too are called to respond to the testimony about Jesus in our lives and to build a personal relationship with Him to proclaim the truth of salvation in the world.
John the Baptist’s testimony led the disciples to Jesus, and their reaction shows how important it is to be open to God’s call. Their encounter with Jesus brought light to their understanding of Scripture and made them witnesses of the good news, which is the central concern of the Gospel of John.
How has Christ and your faith in Christ changed your life? What other changes would you like to see?
My faith in Christ has changed my life in many ways. He has given me a deeper sense of purpose and a firm anchor in daily life, especially in difficult times. Through my faith, I have learned to trust more in God’s guidance instead of relying on my own strength. Christ has shown me what it means to experience true love and forgiveness and to pass that on to others. Faith has also transformed my perspective on dealing with people, my priorities, and my values—towards a life founded on love, compassion, and community.
Regarding changes, I wish to grow even more in daily following of Jesus—with more patience, patience with myself and others. I strive to listen more to God’s voice, to let go of my fears and doubts, and to trust Him completely in all areas of life. A stronger prayer life and the ability to focus my thoughts more on Christ are also among my goals for future changes.
The story of John’s disciples who followed Him after hearing the testimony about Jesus has a direct connection to our daily lives and faith. It shows us how an encounter with Jesus can radically change life and what it means to consciously align one’s life with Christ.
  1. Openness to God’s Call
Just as the two disciples responded to John’s testimony and followed Jesus back then, we today are called to listen to God’s call in our lives. This requires sensitivity and openness. In our daily lives, there are often moments when we feel that God wants to lead us in a new direction. Whether through reading the Bible, prayer, or encountering other believers—God speaks to us, and it is up to us to respond as the disciples did.
  1. Seeking the Nearness of Jesus
The disciples consciously decided to stay with Jesus and spend the day with Him. In our lives, it is also important to spend time with Jesus through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. This strengthens our relationship with Him and deepens our understanding of His teachings. The decision to follow Jesus changes our daily lives because we then consciously seek His guidance and make our decisions in the light of His truth.
  1. Being Witnesses and Sharing the Message
Like Andrew, who felt the need to bring his brother to Jesus after his encounter, we are also called to share the gospel. The transformative encounter with Jesus is something that cannot remain hidden. Our task is to share the joy and hope we have received through Jesus with those around us—family, friends, coworkers. The testimony about Jesus must be reflected in our words and in our daily actions.
  1. Willingness to Change
The disciples, especially Peter, experienced a name change, symbolizing the profound change Jesus effected in their lives. We too experience inner renewal through our faith in Christ. We should be willing to leave behind old habits, doubts, and fears and allow God to lead us into new roles and tasks. Faith is a continual growth process, where we are led deeper into trust in God.
The story of the two disciples who followed Jesus reminds us how important it is to listen to God’s call, stay close to Jesus, and share the transformative power of faith with others. These principles have a direct connection to our daily lives, encouraging us to consciously live as followers of Christ and to give testimony to His love and salvation through our lives.

Be open to God’s call, and let Him renew your heart daily so that you can share His love and truth.

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