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5.2 The Woman at the Well
Living Water: Jesus’ Invitation to Inner Renewal
Read John 4:7–15. How did Jesus use this encounter to testify to this woman?
In John 4:7–15, Jesus uses His encounter with the woman at the well in a remarkable way to bear witness to her and lead her to a deeper truth. Despite the long history of hostility between Jews and Samaritans, Jesus deliberately and empathetically approached this woman. Instead of immediately doing something for her, He asked her for a favor, which was a compassionate and wise strategy to build trust. This gesture, as Ellen White describes, awakened a sense of openness in her, as trust is often elicited through trust (see SDL 166).
Jesus saw in her a person who was not only physically but also spiritually thirsty, and so He offered her the “living water” that only God can provide. Her initial reaction was skeptical and earthbound, similar to Nicodemus, who asked how a rebirth was possible. In both cases, Jesus highlighted the necessity of an inner transformation and made it clear that conversion and a connection to God bring the deepest fulfillment for the soul.
Jesus’ approach teaches us that true testimony lies not only in the message but also in the manner of the encounter. His sensitivity to the heart of His counterpart and His respectful addressing of her questions opened the space for a deeper conversation. In this way, He demonstrated that the Gospel is not only conveyed but also lived through listening, empathy, and trust.
What is the Old Testament background of Jesus’ statement about living water (Jeremiah 2:13; Zechariah 14:8)?
Jesus’ statement about “living water” has deep roots in the Old Testament understanding of water as a symbol of life and God’s refreshing presence. In Jeremiah 2:13, God refers to Himself as the “source of living water,” and the people of Israel are criticized for abandoning this source and relying instead on “broken cisterns”—a metaphor for worldly dependencies that ultimately remain empty. This image makes it clear that only God is the true source of life and fulfillment, while human efforts without Him are barren.
Zechariah 14:8 describes a future vision where “living waters” flow from Jerusalem, representing the life-giving and healing presence of God that spreads across the entire earth. This promise of living water shows God’s intention to refresh and renew His people not only physically but also spiritually.
By referencing this image in John 4:14, Jesus reveals Himself as the source of eternal life. He offers the Samaritan woman and all people what, in the deepest sense, grants life and quenches the thirst of the soul—a lasting, renewing connection to God. Thus, the living water Jesus speaks of points to a life in abundance that is only possible through a relationship with Him. The image of water is not merely a symbol but a promise that those who believe in Jesus will never thirst internally again but will carry a constant source of life within them.
Read John 7:37–38. What does Jesus say to us in these verses and how do we experience what He promises here?
In John 7:37–38, Jesus speaks on the last day of the festival and declares, “If anyone is thirsty, let them come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” With this powerful image, Jesus invites people to satisfy their spiritual thirst in Him. The promise of “living water” points to the life-giving and renewing power that faith in Jesus can have within us.
What does this mean for us today and how do we experience it?
  1. Fulfillment and Satisfaction: Jesus speaks to the deepest needs of the human soul. In faith in Him, we find fulfillment that satisfies the longings of our hearts and grants us inner peace. This inner source acts like “living water” within us, refreshing us not only temporarily but providing lasting satisfaction.
  2. Transformation through the Holy Spirit: The “rivers of living water” also refer to the work of the Holy Spirit, who would come to believers after Jesus’ resurrection (John 7:39). Through the Holy Spirit, we experience a profound transformation of our lives. He strengthens us, comforts us, and gives us the power to live out our faith daily and share it with others.
  3. Testimony and Sharing: Jesus promises not only that we will be internally fulfilled but also that this “living water” will flow through us to others. When we drink from the source that Jesus Himself is, we have the opportunity to reach others with this divine power and love. Our lives can become a testimony to God’s love and a blessing to others.
In our daily lives, we experience what Jesus promises here through a consistent relationship with Him and the work of the Holy Spirit. By growing in prayer, Bible reading, and fellowship with other believers, this power flows within us and through us to others.
The encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well teaches us how our faith can work in everyday life and supply us with spiritual strength. Jesus’ image of “living water” is an invitation to continually connect with God’s refreshing presence and thus experience inner fulfillment.
  1. The Source of Fulfillment: In our hectic daily lives, many seek meaning, joy, and fulfillment. Often, material or fleeting things distract us, yet they cannot quench this thirst. Jesus teaches us that true peace and joy lie only in a connection with Him. His invitation to receive the “living water” is a call to regularly find rest in Him so that our souls may be renewed.
  2. Transformation through the Holy Spirit: The power of the “living water” becomes tangible through the Holy Spirit, who encourages us in difficult times and helps us remain faithful. By seeking God daily—through prayer, Bible reading, and silence—we allow the Spirit to transform us and provide a new perspective for our lives.
  3. Our Faith as a Blessing to Others: Jesus promised that the “living water” can flow through us to others. Our relationship with God should not only strengthen us but also be evident in our environment. In everyday life, we can be a testimony reflecting God’s love through patience, helpfulness, and understanding. Thus, our lives become a living source for others who are also seeking fulfillment.
In practical daily terms, this means regularly “refueling” in Jesus, aligning our lives with Him, and using this spiritual power to be a blessing to others. The encounter with Jesus and His “living water” remind us that faith is not only a personal fulfillment but also a power that flows into our daily lives and impacts the world around us.

Sometimes, it only takes a moment of silence to find the source of inner peace.

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