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1.Discuss the following difficult question: Why do some people readily accept evidence for Jesus as the Messiah and the truth of Christianity, while others reject the same evidence?
This question is complex and touches on various levels—from personal background and inner attitude to spiritual aspects. Here are some factors that can explain the different reactions to evidence for Jesus as the Messiah and Christianity:
  1. Heart Attitude and Openness
    Some people bring an inner openness and genuine interest in truth and spiritual questions, while others remain less receptive due to personal experiences, prejudices, or a fundamental rejection of faith. An open heart makes it easier to respond to God’s call, while closed hearts are often unreceptive to evidence.
  2. Prejudices and Personal Expectations
    The Jewish religious leaders at the time of Jesus often rejected Him because He did not meet their expectations of the Messiah. Today, many people have preconceived notions of what “God should be” or how a religious faith should look. When these notions conflict with Jesus’ message, it can lead to rejection, even if the evidence is convincing.
  3. Intellectual and Cultural Conditioning
    For some, the intellectual level plays a significant role—they seek “logical” and “scientific” evidence. Others are more influenced by culture and tradition, making them perceive belief in Jesus as “unmodern” or culturally inappropriate. These conditioning factors can make openness to spiritual evidence difficult.
  4. Emotional and Personal Experiences
    Personal experiences such as loss, pain, or negative encounters with religion can make people resistant to faith. Conversely, those who have gone through difficult times and found comfort or meaning in faith are more likely to accept Jesus’ message. Emotions and personal history strongly influence how someone responds to faith.
  5. Spiritual Level and Willingness to Change
    Belief in Jesus requires a change in life and thinking. People who resist this inner transformation or are unwilling to surrender control often reject faith, even if the evidence fascinates them. Choosing Jesus means trusting Him with one’s life, which requires courage and humility—qualities not everyone develops equally.
  6. Divine Mystery and the Role of the Holy Spirit
    In Christianity, the Holy Spirit plays a central role in recognizing the truth. Many believers experience that faith in Jesus is not only based on evidence but also on God’s inner work. Prayer can help foster the recognition of Jesus as the Messiah, and it remains a divine mystery why some people are touched and others are not.
In summary, people react differently to Jesus because each individual brings a unique mix of internal and external influences, experiences, and spiritual processes. Faith is a personal journey that often goes beyond evidence and requires the willingness to change and inner openness.
2.What more important truth could there be than that Jesus Christ died for our sins? But how did we ever come to know this crucial truth? Through science, natural laws, natural theology, logic, reason? All of these might lead us to believe in a Creator God, a first cause, an unmoved mover, or whatever—but none of these disciplines, neither alone nor combined, could teach us the most important truth we need to know: Christ died for our sins. What should this fact—the fact that all these disciplines, even in theory, cannot lead us to the one thing we truly need to know—teach us about how crucial it is to make the Bible our final and ultimate authority in matters of faith?
These considerations lead us to a profound insight: the central truth that Christ died for our sins eludes purely human understanding and rational cognition. Science, philosophy, or logic can give us hints about a Creator or a first cause, but none of these disciplines can lead us to the decisive truth that Jesus made forgiveness of our sins possible through His death on the cross. This truth is revealed only through the Bible, God’s Word.
Here are some key aspects of what this realization means for our faith and relationship with the Bible:
  1. The Bible as the Unique Source of Revelation
    The message of the Gospel—that Christ died out of love for us and grants us eternal life through His resurrection—is not a truth that we can uncover through human means or scientific research. This truth was revealed by God Himself and is preserved in the Bible. This makes the Bible a unique source of knowledge that goes far beyond what humans can explore or prove.
  2. Faith as a Gift and a Response to God’s Revelation
    The fact that this central truth comes to us only through God’s Word shows that faith in Jesus is not merely the result of knowledge or intellect but a gift from God. Faith is conveyed to us through hearing and reading God’s Word, and the Holy Spirit opens our hearts to accept this message. This makes the Bible the foundation for our faith and our relationship with God.
  3. Limitation of Human Knowledge and the Need for Divine Revelation
    While science and philosophy can provide great insights into the world, they remain limited concerning the most important truths of faith. Only divine revelation can show us the way to salvation and the understanding of God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice. The Bible reminds us that we need God’s wisdom and revelation to recognize and comprehend this deepest truth.
  4. The Bible as the Final and Highest Authority in Faith
    Since the central message of Christianity—the Gospel—is found only in the Bible, we must recognize it as the highest authority in matters of faith. The Bible is not an ordinary book but the means through which God reveals Himself. Therefore, we should prioritize it over other sources of knowledge when it comes to questions of faith, salvation, and our relationship with God.
  5. Humility and Trust in God’s Wisdom
    The fact that God revealed the most important truth through His Word teaches us humility. We recognize that we cannot fully grasp or explain everything with our minds. Instead, we are invited to trust God and build our lives on His Word to reach the truth. The Bible becomes the guide that directs us and gives our lives meaning and purpose.
In summary, this insight shows us that the Bible is indispensable for our faith because it is the only source that leads us to the decisive truth that surpasses all human knowledge: that Christ died for us. It calls us to recognize the Bible as the highest authority in faith, trusting in God’s wisdom and revelation.
3.Why is it very important for our own faith to report on the things God has done in our lives?
It is very important for our own faith to report on the things God has done in our lives because telling and sharing our experiences can have several powerful effects on our faith and the lives of others:
  1. Promotes Remembrance and Gratitude
    When we talk about what God has done in our lives, we remind ourselves of His faithfulness and help. This strengthens our trust and makes us grateful for His presence in all situations. Especially in difficult times, sharing reminds us of God’s goodness and gives us confidence.
  2. Strengthens Our Own Faith
    Speaking about what we have experienced solidifies our faith. It allows us to reflect on our experiences and rethink how deeply God is working in our lives. By naming God’s interventions in our lives, our trust grows in the assurance that God will also be with us in future challenges.
  3. Encourages Others in Faith
    Our stories can be valuable encouragements for others. When they hear how God has worked in our lives, it can strengthen their own faith and provide hope, especially if they are in similar situations. Testimonies about God’s work can be a powerful catalyst for others to trust God as well.
  4. Makes God’s Work Visible in Everyday Life
    Reporting our experiences shows that God is not only abstract or distant but actively working in our daily lives. It helps others and ourselves recognize that God is working today and in each person’s personal life. These tangible stories make faith authentic and alive.
  5. Creates Connection with Other Believers
    Sharing our experiences with God builds community and strengthens the bonds among believers. It makes us realize that we are part of a larger family that has had similar experiences of God’s love, guidance, and care. This connection enhances understanding and mutual support in faith.
  6. Builds Trust and Addresses Doubts
    When doubts about faith arise, remembering and sharing past experiences with God can help overcome these doubts. Our own stories of God’s faithfulness and help can be a source of strength when we are uncertain or face new challenges.
Overall, reporting on God’s work in our lives strengthens our faith and the faith community. It gives faith depth and roots, makes God’s presence visible, and allows us to experience and celebrate His love repeatedly.
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