7.2 Anticipating the Time
Christ’s Return: Clarity Amidst Human Misunderstandings
Understanding Christ’s return has undergone various interpretations over time. While the Protestant reformers believed in the literal, visible, and glorious return of Christ, this understanding evolved throughout history. In the 19th century, popular preachers often taught the notion that Christ would come to establish His kingdom on earth and initiate a thousand years of peace. However, this led to spiritual lethargy and an apathetic attitude towards spiritual values.
Similar to the disciples of Christ, they too misunderstood the nature of the Messiah’s coming. They expected a victorious warrior who would break the Roman yoke instead of someone who would free them from condemnation and the bondage of sin. These misunderstandings led to confusion about how Christ would come, emphasizing the importance of thorough biblical interpretation and contextual understanding of prophetic scriptures.
Read Acts 1:9–11; Revelation 1:7, and Matthew 24:27, 30–31. What do these verses teach us about the manner of our Lord’s return?
The verses from Acts 1:9–11; Revelation 1:7, and Matthew 24:27, 30–31 teach us that the return of our Lord will happen with great power and glory and will be visible to all. When Christ comes again, “every eye” will see Him, everyone will hear the trumpet sound of His return, and behold His glory. These events will be unmistakable and audible, leaving no room for deception.
The Holy Scriptures describe these events very clearly, giving believers a precious and inspiring hope. The doctrine of Christ’s return is a central theme of the Bible, shaping the expectation of believers since the days of the first couple in the Garden of Eden. It is a promise that Christ will come to complete the work of redemption and gather His people to Himself.
Given this truth, it is imperative that we prepare for and remain ready for Christ’s return. The message of His imminent return is a call to examine our hearts, evaluate our spiritual lives, and live a life pleasing to God. In the light of the glory of Christ’s return, there is no neutrality; it requires a clear decision and a determined life in accordance with God’s will.
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2–5 and Hebrews 9:28. What encouragement do these verses give us regarding the manner of Christ’s coming?
In 1 Thessalonians 5:2–5, it is mentioned that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. This means that the exact timing of Christ’s coming is uncertain, and people should prepare by living in faith and vigilance. The verses encourage us to be ready and to live in the light rather than in the darkness of sin.
Hebrews 9:28 indicates that Christ will not appear because of sin at His second coming, but He will bring salvation to those who eagerly wait for Him. These verses encourage us to patiently wait for Christ and trust that He will fulfill His promise of redemption. Taken together, these verses teach us that Christ’s coming is uncertain but that we should be prepared by living in faith and trusting in His promises.
The connection of these verses to our everyday lives and faith is crucial. They remind us that a believer’s life should be oriented toward the return of Christ.
Preparation and Vigilance: The analogy of the “thief in the night” in 1 Thessalonians 5:2–5 reminds us that we should be ready at all times, for we do not know when Christ will return. This means living a life of vigilance, where we live in faith and holiness, ready to meet our Lord. In daily life, this means staying away from the temptations of sin and instead focusing on living a life that honors God.
Patience and Trust: Hebrews 9:28 reminds us to patiently wait for Christ, as He will bring salvation at His second coming. This patience requires deep trust in God’s promises and His sovereign control over time. In difficult times, this means trusting in God’s faithfulness and believing that He will ultimately work all things for good.
Clarity and Determination: The clear depiction of Christ’s return in the mentioned Bible verses reminds us that there is no neutrality. We must make a clear decision and live a determined life in accordance with God’s will. This requires determination and steadfastness in daily faith life, choosing consciously to follow Christ and seek His kingdom.
Overall, these verses encourage us to actively live out our faith by preparing for Christ’s return, patiently waiting for Him, and remaining steadfast in His way. They serve as a reminder that our everyday life and faith are inseparably linked and should be oriented towards honoring Christ and obeying His will.
Thought of the Day: Faith in the Future: Prepare, stay vigilant, and trust in God’s promises.
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