0 6 mins 1 yr

Lesson 7.Your Mercy Reaches Unto the Heavens

In the seventh lesson of our study, we explore the central theme of God’s goodness as portrayed in the Psalms of the Old Testament. The Psalms are a rich source of worship, reflection, and instruction about God’s nature and his relationship with humanity. In this lesson, we will delve deeper into the Psalms to recognize the various facets of God’s goodness, ranging from his mercy and forgiveness to his infinite faithfulness and care.
We will examine how the Psalms reflect God’s goodness amidst various life circumstances and human experiences. In doing so, we will see how God’s goodness is portrayed as a constant source of comfort, hope, and trust for those who turn to him. At the same time, we will discover how the Psalms urge us to respond to God’s goodness, whether through praise, gratitude, or obedience.
Furthermore, we will explore the significance of God’s goodness for our daily lives and our faith. How can we experience God’s goodness in our own lives, and how can we pass it on to others? How can we remember God’s goodness, especially in difficult times, and how can we trust that it will never leave us?
Through the study of the Psalms, we will discover that God’s goodness is incomprehensibly great and surrounds us in all circumstances of life. May this lesson help us to delve deeper into the amazing reality of God’s goodness and to experience it in our daily lives.


7.1 His mercy endureth forever

Read Psalm 136. What is the dominant thought of this psalm? Where does the psalmist find evidence for his predominant statement?

Psalm 136 is a hymn that praises the unwavering mercy of God, which is manifested both in creation and in the history of Israel. The psalmist calls upon the people of God to acknowledge and praise this mercy by mentioning the many deeds of God that demonstrate His love and faithfulness.
The predominant message of the psalm is the infinite mercy of God, which is evident in His creation and His relationship with Israel. The psalmist finds evidence for this mercy in the wonders of nature, such as the heavens, the earth, and the celestial bodies worshiped by the nations. This creation attests to God’s greatness and glory, while simultaneously exposing the limitations and inadequacies of pagan gods.
Furthermore, the psalm illustrates God’s faithful guidance and care throughout Israel’s history, from the liberation from Egyptian bondage to the settlement of the promised land. Every act of mercy and salvation that God has shown His people is evidence of His boundless mercy and love.
The psalmist also emphasizes the universality of God’s grace, which extends not only to Israel but to the entire creation. This encourages the whole world to join in praising and worshiping the Lord.
Overall, Psalm 136 invites us to acknowledge and praise God’s mercy and faithfulness, and encourages us to have confidence in His enduring grace, which extends across all generations and throughout the entire creation.

How does the image of Jesus on the cross, dying vicariously for our sins, most strongly reveal the great truth of God’s eternal love?

The image of Jesus on the cross, dying vicariously for our sins, most strongly reveals the great truth of God’s eternal love in various ways:
  1. Sacrifice out of love: Jesus, the Son of God, came into the world to redeem humanity by dying on the cross. This sacrifice demonstrates God’s immeasurable love for us, as He gave His only Son to redeem us from our sins (John 3:16).
  2. Forgiveness and reconciliation: Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we can obtain forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation with God. This illustrates God’s unwavering love, which is willing to forgive us and draw near to us even when we are sinners.
  3. Redemption and liberation: The cross also displays God’s infinite love through the redemption and liberation made possible by Jesus’ sacrificial death. By taking our sins upon Himself, Jesus granted us access to eternal communion with God.
  4. Continuous love: The cross is a timeless symbol of God’s love that transcends the boundaries of space and time. Even today, the cross speaks to us of God’s unconditional love, which has manifested itself through the centuries and remains ever close to us. Overall, the image of Jesus on the cross, like no other representation, reveals the deep and enduring love of God for us humans. It is the ultimate sign that nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39) and that this love endures forever.


Psalm 136 emphasizes the unceasing goodness of God and encourages us to recognize and embrace this goodness in every aspect of our daily lives.
Essentially, this means that we should be aware that God’s goodness surrounds us, regardless of the circumstances we face. Even in difficult times, we can trust that God remains faithful and envelops us with His love.
This realization can give us hope and inspire gratitude when we experience blessings. Additionally, we should strive to reflect God’s goodness to others by being generous, compassionate, and loving ourselves.
By continually reminding ourselves that God’s goodness endures forever, we can remain patient and full of trust in challenging situations, knowing that God is with us and will never abandon us.
Ultimately, Psalm 136 reminds us that we can rely on God’s goodness no matter what happens, and we are called to reflect this goodness in our daily lives.
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