The text emphasizes the timeliness and relevance of the topic of immigrants and refugees, urging acceptance by recounting the story of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fleeing to Egypt. It calls for overcoming cultural and language differences to extend a helping hand to the needy, in line with the Gospel call.
Biblical references in Deuteronomy 10:19, Psalm 146:9, Romans 12:13, and Leviticus 23:22 underline the important theme of mercy and care for strangers and the needy. The essence of these verses reminds us that God has a heart for those who are strangers, and we are called to assist them in their time of need.
The challenge of standing in solidarity with people who look different, speak a different language, and have different religious values is presented as a litmus test for the Gospel. The call to leave the ethnic, national, and cultural comfort zone emphasizes the need to actively advocate for integration and mutual understanding.
The practical steps suggested begin with prayer and gathering information about immigrants and refugees. By collaborating with organizations or starting a community service, concrete actions can be taken to provide support. The encouragement to make even a small contribution emphasizes that every effort, no matter how modest, can make a difference.
The question at the end of the text encourages personal reflection on how to help immigrants or refugees in one’s own environment. This raises awareness of individual responsibility and urges creative and concrete action, even if they are small steps. Overall, the text strongly urges not to overlook the needs of immigrants and refugees but actively engage in supporting them.
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