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9.3 Believing and New Birth
Faith and Rebirth: The Way to Becoming God’s Child
Read John 1:12–13. What steps are described here that are needed to become a Christian?
John 1:12–13 describes the miraculous process of rebirth and becoming children of God, encompassing two crucial steps: our actions in faith and God’s transforming power. This passage shows that being a Christian is a collaboration between human faith and divine initiative.
  1. The Human Aspect: Receiving Jesus
  • What It Means: John describes that the first step is to receive Jesus, which is equated with believing in him. This is a conscious decision to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. This act of faith means relying on Jesus and acknowledging his sacrifice and lordship.
  • Application: Everyone is invited to take this step. It requires openness and the willingness to let Christ’s light penetrate our lives and guide us.
  1. The Divine Aspect: Being Born of God
  • What It Means: While faith is our decision, rebirth is God’s work. Only He can renew our hearts and make us His children. John emphasizes that this does not happen through human will but solely through God.
  • Application: Our faith opens the door, but the change—the new life that makes us children of God—is a miracle of grace, working through the Holy Spirit. This rebirth gives us a new identity and a deep relationship with God.
  1. Faith as a Gift from God
  • What It Means: John and other biblical authors like Paul (Romans 10:17) show that faith itself is a gift from God. The Holy Spirit works in our hearts, convinces us of the truth, and gives us the ability to trust Jesus.
  • Application: This understanding leads us to humility, recognizing that even our faith is not our own work. We can thank God for opening the way to Him and giving us the strength to believe.
  1. The Role of the Word and the Holy Spirit
  • What It Means: Faith arises from hearing God’s word. Reading the Bible and reflecting on Jesus’ words lead us to recognize and trust him. Simultaneously, it is the Holy Spirit who convicts, teaches, and reveals the truth to us.
  • Application: To strengthen our faith, we must regularly engage with God’s word. It is the foundation for our relationship with Jesus, and the Holy Spirit illuminates our understanding.
Conclusion: A New Life Through Faith and Rebirth
John 1:12–13 shows that becoming a Christian is both a human decision and a divine miracle. We accept Jesus by faith, and God renews us by making us His children. This is not just a legal status but a profound transformation—a new life in Christ.
This truth reminds us that our salvation and faith completely depend on God’s grace. At the same time, it invites us to actively believe, accept the light, and grow in God’s word. Thus, we experience the joy and privilege of living as children of God.
Read Romans 8:16. What principle about redemption in Jesus is found here?
Romans 8:16 says: “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” This verse reveals a central principle of redemption: the assurance of God’s sonship is conveyed through the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
  1. Redemption is the Work of the Holy Spirit
  • What It Means: The Holy Spirit confirms to us that through faith in Jesus Christ, we belong to God’s family. This is not merely an emotional conviction but a deep, divine affirmation that we are redeemed and now children of God.
  • Meaning: Our redemption does not depend on our feelings, works, or achievements but solely on God’s grace and the testimony of the Spirit within us.
  1. Faith as a Gift from God
  • What It Means: Biblical faith begins not with human effort or rational proof but as a gift from God. Through faith, we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, who convicts, comforts, and deepens our understanding.
  • Meaning: The Holy Spirit gives us the faith that enables us to accept and trust God’s promises. This reminds us that our relationship with God is entirely based on His grace.
  1. The Assurance of God’s Sonship
  • What It Means: The Holy Spirit works within us to assure us that we are God’s children. This assurance gives us a deep sense of identity, security, and belonging. It is the foundation for a life of peace, joy, and trust in God’s guidance.
  • Meaning: This sonship is not something we can earn; it is a result of redemption through Jesus Christ, testified by the Spirit who lives in us.
  1. A Growing Faith
  • What It Means: Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God, and through the Holy Spirit, it grows. While faith is a gift from God, its full potential unfolds as we remain in God’s word and open ourselves to the Spirit’s work.
  • Meaning: Faith is not static; it develops through hearing the Spirit, studying the Scriptures, and living daily with God.
Conclusion: Redemption Through the Assurance of the Spirit
Romans 8:16 shows that the foundation of our redemption lies not within ourselves but in the testimony of the Holy Spirit. He assures us that we are God’s children, granting us peace and certainty. This truth provides a solid foundation for our faith and identity in Christ.
Biblical faith begins with this gift from God and grows as we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and live in the grace and truth of Jesus. Thus, we experience not only the joy of being God’s children but also the strength to live as His children in the world.
If Someone Asked You What Your Faith is Based On, What Would You Answer?
My faith is based on Jesus Christ and God’s revelation in the Bible. It is founded on the assurance that God loves me, saves me through Jesus, and gives me hope and purpose—for both this life and eternity.
  1. God’s Love and Grace
  • My Faith Begins: With the recognition that God loves me unconditionally (John 3:16). This love was made visible through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, granting me forgiveness and new life.
  • Foundation: This grace is unmerited and a gift that I accept by faith (Ephesians 2:8–9).
  1. The Promises of the Bible
  • My Faith is Based On: The Bible as God’s word. It is a source of truth that reveals who God is, what He has done, and what He desires for my life (2 Timothy 3:16–17).
  • Foundation: By reading the Bible, I find guidance, comfort, and encouragement for my daily life.
  1. The Work of the Holy Spirit
  • My Faith is Nourished: By the Holy Spirit, who works in my life, comforts, teaches, and convicts me (John 14:26; Romans 8:16).
  • Foundation: The Holy Spirit gives me the assurance that God is real and strengthens my faith.
  1. Personal Experiences
  • I Have Experienced: God’s presence and guidance in my life. In difficult times, He has given me peace and strength, and His promises have proven true.
  • Foundation: These experiences deepen my faith and confirm the truths of the Bible.
  1. The Hope of Eternity
  • My Faith Gives Me: The assurance that this life is not the end. I live in the hope of eternal life and fellowship with God (John 14:1–3).
  • Foundation: This hope gives me strength to hold on even in difficult moments and to view life from an eternal perspective.
Conclusion: A Faith That Is Supported
My faith is not based on myself or my achievements but on God’s faithfulness, His love, the Bible, and the work of the Holy Spirit. It gives me strength, hope, and a firm foundation in life—and the assurance that God is always with me.
How Do the Teachings on Faith and Rebirth from John 1:12–13 and Romans 8:16 Directly and Profoundly Connect to Our Daily Life and Faith?
The teachings on faith and rebirth from John 1:12–13 and Romans 8:16 have a direct and profound connection to our daily lives and faith. They show how our faith life is shaped and how these spiritual truths influence our everyday experiences.
  1. New Identity as God’s Children
  • Everyday Relevance: Rebirth gives us a new identity. We are no longer defined by our past, mistakes, or achievements but by our relationship with God as His beloved children. This identity provides us with security and strength, even in difficult life situations.
  • Faith Perspective: As children of God, we can live with confidence because we know that God is our Father who loves, guides, and provides for us.
  1. Faith as a Daily Decision
  • Everyday Relevance: Faith is not just a one-time event but a daily decision to trust and follow Jesus. This attitude affects how we face challenges, fears, or doubts.
  • Faith Perspective: Our faith is nurtured by the Holy Spirit, who helps us accept Jesus’ words and align our lives accordingly.
  1. The Role of the Holy Spirit
  • Everyday Relevance: The Holy Spirit works in our daily lives by guiding, comforting, and reminding us of our sonship. This work gives us peace and strength, even in life’s challenges.
  • Faith Perspective: We can listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice, which provides us with direction, encouragement, and continuously leads us to Jesus.
  1. The Word of God as the Foundation
  • Everyday Relevance: The Word of God is our daily spiritual nourishment. By reading the Bible, we find wisdom, comfort, and guidance for our decisions and interactions with others.
  • Faith Perspective: Staying in God’s word strengthens our faith and helps us remain in the truth.
  1. A Humble Attitude
  • Everyday Relevance: Understanding that faith is a gift from God guards us against pride and self-exaltation. It reminds us that everything we are and have comes from God’s grace.
  • Faith Perspective: This humility leads us to rely on God’s guidance and be thankful for His gifts.
  1. A Life Full of Hope
  • Everyday Relevance: The assurance that we are children of God and have eternal hope gives us the strength to face life’s challenges with calmness and trust.
  • Faith Perspective: This hope motivates us to consciously shape our lives and deepen our relationship with God.
Conclusion: Living Rebirth in Daily Life
Rebirth and faith not only influence our eternal perspective but also our daily lives. They give us a new identity, a solid foundation for decisions, and the strength to overcome challenges in faith. By regularly remembering our sonship, staying in God’s word, and listening to the Holy Spirit, we experience the transformative power of faith in all aspects of our lives.

As children of God, we are invited to live each day in His love, guidance, and grace—a life full of hope and a new identity.

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