Lesson 6.The Two Witnesses
Bearers of Divine Truth and Triumph
The sixth lesson of our study series delves deeper into the fascinating world of Revelation, a book full of symbols, prophecies, and divine revelations. In this lesson, we will focus on Revelation chapter 11, particularly on the symbolic significance of the two witnesses.
The two witnesses mentioned in the book of Revelation represent the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, embodying divine truth and authority. Their story, their sufferings, and their triumph vividly illustrate the struggle between good and evil, truth and falsehood, which has occurred throughout human history and continues to do so.
In this lesson, we will examine the various aspects of the prophecies concerning the two witnesses, from their defeat to their revival, and how these events are relevant in our personal faith lives. We will also explore the connection between these prophecies and historical events such as the French Revolution, reflecting on the lessons we can draw from them for our lives today.
Furthermore, we will reflect on the significance of the Bible as the immutable and eternal word of God, and how we can firmly trust in its promises despite the challenges and temptations of life.
So let us join together to delve into the depths of Revelation and discover the timeless truths it holds for our lives.
6.1 Two Witnesses
The Witnesses: Bearers of Divine Truth and Transformation
Read Revelation 11:3-6. Name five characteristic features of the two witnesses that you discover in this section. Revelation 11:3-6 describes the two witnesses.
Here are five characteristic features that can be found in this section:
Prophetic ability: The two witnesses have the ability to predict and announce future events.
Power over natural phenomena: They can withhold rain and turn water into blood, indicating extraordinary control over nature.
Ability to inflict plagues: The witnesses can afflict the earth with plagues, indicating their divine authority and power.
Spewing fire: Anyone attempting to harm the Holy Scriptures will be consumed by the fire coming from their mouths. This suggests a divine punishment carried out through the word of God.
Testimony for Jesus Christ: The witnesses bear divine testimony and proclaim the Gospel to the whole world, indicating that their service is in line with God’s will and points to Jesus Christ.
Given the symbolic references to Zechariah 4 and the role that the Old Testament scriptures play in witnessing for Jesus Christ, the interpretation suggests that the two witnesses are the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, bringing God’s light and truth into the world.
Many Christians today tend to downplay the Old Testament, calling it irrelevant and unnecessary because we have the New Testament. What is so terribly wrong with this attitude?
This attitude of downplaying the Old Testament as irrelevant or unnecessary is problematic for several reasons:
Denial of divine inspiration: Both the Old Testament and the New Testament are divinely inspired scriptures written by various authors in different times and contexts. By disparaging the Old Testament, one denies the divine inspiration and significance of these scriptures.
Loss of understanding of salvation history: The Old Testament forms the basis for understanding salvation history. Many themes, symbols, and prophecies in the Old Testament find their fulfillment in the New Testament, especially in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Without a solid understanding of the Old Testament, Christians lose important insights into God’s dealings with his people and the thread of redemption that runs throughout the Bible.
Misinterpretation of God’s character: The Old Testament reveals God’s character, his goodness, justice, and mercy, just like the New Testament. By downplaying the Old Testament, one risks getting a one-sided view of God and overlooking important aspects of his nature.
Loss of important teachings and moral principles: The Old Testament contains many important teachings and moral principles that are still relevant and instructive today. By neglecting the Old Testament, Christians miss out on important insights into God’s wisdom and his moral claims on his people.
Loss of the diversity of biblical literature: The Old Testament comprises a variety of literary genres, including historical narratives, poetry, wisdom literature, and prophetic books. This diversity enriches the understanding of the Bible as a whole and offers various perspectives on God’s actions and his relationship with humanity.
Overall, it is important to recognize and appreciate the Old Testament as an integral part of the Bible, as it makes an indispensable contribution to understanding God’s word and his salvation history.
The connection between the two witnesses in Revelation 11 and our everyday lives as well as our faith lies in the significance of their message and their role as messengers of divine truth and transformation.
Prophetic ability and proclamation of the future: The ability of the witnesses to predict future events reminds us that God reigns sovereign over history and that his promises and judgments will surely come to pass. This realization encourages us to trust in God and take his word seriously, even when we cannot fully comprehend the future.
Power over natural phenomena and divine authority: The witnesses have the ability to control natural phenomena and inflict plagues. This portrayal reminds us of God’s absolute authority over creation and his ability to intervene in the world to protect his people and execute his judgment. In our daily lives, this means that we can rely on God’s sovereignty even when faced with challenges and crises.
Testimony for Jesus Christ: The witnesses proclaim the Gospel to the whole world, standing for the truth and light of God. Similarly, we as Christians are called to be witnesses for Jesus Christ by proclaiming his Gospel and shining his light in the world, revealing his love and nature.
Divine punishment: The idea that the witnesses spew fire from their mouths to consume those who attempt to harm the Holy Scriptures reminds us that God’s word is alive and powerful. It admonishes us to treat the Holy Scriptures with reverence and respect and to guard against the temptation to distort or misuse them.
The significance of the witnesses and their features in our everyday lives lies in reminding us of the truth and authority of God, encouraging us to trust in him and proclaim his word, and warning us of the consequences if we reject or distort his message.
God’s Word is like a fire that illuminates the darkness and touches the hearts of those who hear it.
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