Ellen White presents a clear five-step process that can serve as a guide to effectively and compassionately serve.
The first step, mingling among the helpless and spending time with them, emphasizes the importance of personal engagement and empathetic closeness. The mention of Jesus being among the sick and suffering underscores that true help occurs where it is most needed.
Compassion as the second step highlights that service without authentic compassion loses its impact. It is a challenge but also a divine call to show compassion without expecting anything in return. This aligns with Jesus’ example of showing compassion to people before inviting them to follow him.
The third step emphasizes the need to address the specific needs of people. It is stressed that true help is not just in words but also in actions. Examples from the reports of Jesus show that he not only spoke but also acted to fulfill the needs of people.
Gaining trust as the fourth step emphasizes that a trusting relationship is the foundation for any effective help. Through authentic service and addressing needs, trust can be built, paving the way for the fifth step.
The final step, leading people to Jesus, emphasizes the ultimate purpose of service. It is not just about satisfying material needs but also about presenting people with the life-changing message of Jesus.
In conclusion, the text asks about the opportunities to help those in need. It encourages being creative and resourceful in finding ways to assist needy people in our own life situations. This could be through attention, listening, support, or prayer, even if we may not perform the same miracles as Jesus.
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