0 6 mins 10 mths

Series GOD’S MISSION, MY MISSION with Pastor Mark Finley  |
Lesson 13: The End of God’s Mission |
Lesson 13, “The End of God’s Mission,” guides us through the book of Revelation, emphasizing the clear focus on God’s end-time mission. The Trinity collaborates in rescuing humanity, with Revelation highlighting the urgency of this mission. The Three Angels’ Messages, situated in the context of the Great Controversy, call for proclaiming the eternal Gospel and promoting worship of the Creator. Success in the mission is defined by shaping faithful disciples who are pure, loyal, and open to the Holy Spirit. The vision of the New Earth concludes the lesson, encouraging believers to invest in God’s mission, reach unreached people groups, and ultimately live with the redeemed in the promised new heaven and on the New Earth.
Memory Text: 2.Peter 3:11.12 – “Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God . . . ?”  
13.1 Revelation: God’s Last-Day Mission

The opening lines of Revelation clarify its focus on God’s end-time mission. Verses 1:4–5 demonstrate the Trinity working together in the salvation of humanity, highlighting Jesus as a faithful witness and the firstborn from the dead. Titles in Revelation 1:6 and 1 Peter 2:9 emphasize that God’s redemption brings not only security but also a new, royal, and priestly status for believers. The urgency of the mission is underscored in Revelation 1:7, pointing out that Jesus is coming, and the nations will mourn their loss. Thus, Revelation clearly concentrates on God’s mission among people in the end times.
13.2 Three Angels’ Messages and Mission
Revelation provides a compelling depiction of the Great Controversy, particularly emphasized in Revelation 12:12, where the devil descends to earth with great wrath. Revelation 14:6–12 presents the Three Angels’ Messages, the core of our Seventh-day Adventist mission. This message warns of end-time events and calls for choosing the eternal Gospel and worshiping the Creator. Jesus’ statement that whoever does not gather with Him scatters underscores the urgency of our mission to prepare the world for the decision between life and death. Our calling is to proclaim the hope of the eternal Gospel and warn the world of the impending events while preserving God’s commandments and faith in Jesus.
13.3 The Final Crisis
The mission command that Jesus gave to His disciples emphasizes the universal significance of the message to be taken to all nations. The Three Angels’ Messages expressed in Revelation 14:6 reflect this mission, urging all nations and languages to recognize the truth. Christ’s love extends to all humanity, irrespective of race or ethnic background. The end times will be characterized by a clear separation between those who submit to Satan and those who obey Jesus Christ. Amid increasing polarization and threats to conscience freedom, it is urgently necessary to proclaim the Gospel and expose Satan’s strategies – a task central to the Three Angels’ Messages and our mission.
13.4 Success in Mission
Success in the mission is not solely defined by quantitative measures such as baptism numbers or church size but, above all, by the character of disciples who become faithful followers of Jesus. The focus is on the process of sowing and watering, while God brings about the growth, as described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:6. True followers of Jesus are characterized by purity and loyalty, akin to a pure bride remaining faithful to her fiancé. They heed the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit, remain unaffected by deceptions, doubts, or immoral behavior, and are open to correction and spiritual instruction. Success in the mission is thus manifested in shaping disciples who are not only saved but actively participate in Jesus’ mission.
13.5 Mission Complete
Revelation 21:1–4 and 21:22–22:5 paint the picture of a glorious New Earth, freed from death, sin, and wickedness. This paradise will be populated by people of all ethnicities and languages, reunited with their loved ones and encountering their loving Redeemer. The General Conference Mission Committee has established clear criteria for reached and unreached people groups, with a reached group being capable of testifying without external assistance. Now is the time to invest in God’s mission, make disciples of unreached people groups, and thus hasten the return of our Redeemer. This mission has the ultimate goal of living with the redeemed in the promised new heaven and on the New Earth.
13.6 Summary
The final lesson poignantly reflects on God’s end-time mission. Revelation highlights the Trinity working together in rescuing humanity and underscores the urgency of the mission amid the challenges of the end times. The Three Angels’ Messages are identified as the core of our Seventh-day Adventist mission, calling for proclaiming the eternal Gospel and promoting worship of the Creator. Success in the mission is measured not only quantitatively but, above all, by shaping faithful disciples with purity, loyalty, and openness to the Holy Spirit. The concluding lesson outlines the anticipated picture of the New Earth, populated by people of all ethnicities, and calls for investing in God’s mission, reaching unreached people groups, and ultimately living with the redeemed in the promised new heaven and on the New Earth.
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