Series THE BOOK OF MARK with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 10.The Last Days |
Prophecies About the End Times – An Overview |
Lesson 10 deals with Jesus’ prophetic statements about the last days and the upcoming events that will shape world history. Jesus addresses the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem as a significant sign and describes the associated “great tribulation” as a time of unprecedented persecution and testing. This lesson also highlights the “abomination of desolation” and the signs indicating Christ’s second coming. Central to the lesson are the warnings against false prophets and the promise of the future coming of the Son of Man, which conveys both hope and a call to vigilance. The lesson encourages believers to prepare for these crucial events and remain steadfast in their faith.
Memory Text: Mark 13:26,27 – “ ‘Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send His angels, and gather His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven.’ ”
10.1 Two Little Coins in the Offering
The True Meaning of Giving – An Example of the Widow
In Mark 12:41–44, we see Jesus praising a poor widow who puts two small coins into the offering box, which are worth very little. In contrast to the rich donors who gave out of their abundance, the widow gave out of her deep poverty, giving all she had to live on. Jesus emphasizes that her gift is worth more in God’s eyes than that of the rich, because she sacrificed everything she needed to live. This story shows us that it is not the amount of the donation that counts, but the devotion and heart behind the giving. Even if religious leadership may be corrupt, the sincere devotion of an individual remains valuable and blessed by God.
10.2 Not One Stone Left on Another
Unshakable Hope in Times of Upheaval
When Jesus foretold the destruction of the magnificent Temple, the disciples were understandably shocked. They wondered when this catastrophe would happen and what sign would indicate it. However, instead of focusing on the fall of the Temple, Jesus warns the disciples of the coming challenges: persecution, trials, and even the threat of death. He stresses that these trials are signs of the forthcoming events but should not overwhelm them with despair. The Holy Spirit will provide them with the necessary words and carry them through all difficulties. This message teaches us to hold on to God’s guidance and comfort despite external turmoil and trials.
10.3 The Abomination of Desolation
The Sign of Destruction – The “Abomination of Desolation” in the Light of Prophecy
In Mark 13:14, Jesus warns the disciples about the “abomination of desolation,” referring to the book of Daniel. This term signifies a severe desecration associated with the destruction of Jerusalem. While many scholars interpret the events under Antiochus Epiphanes as the “abomination,” the context of Jesus’ prophecy suggests it refers to the Roman occupation and the placement of pagan standards during the siege of Jerusalem in the 60s AD. This desecration was the sign for Christians to flee Jerusalem, which they did. The prophecy teaches us to be vigilant and correctly interpret the signs of the times to respond appropriately.
10.4 The Great Tribulation
Warning and Hope in Times of Persecution
Mark 13:19 describes a “great tribulation” unparalleled since the creation of the world and points to an extraordinary period of persecution. This future period will be considered more intense and comprehensive than the destruction of Jerusalem. The prophecy refers to the persecutions that God’s people will endure over a long period, as described in Daniel 7 and 8. God offers hope by promising to shorten the persecution for the sake of the people, as became evident after the Reformation. At the same time, Jesus warns against false prophets and false Christs who will appear during this critical time. This warning aims to encourage believers to remain vigilant and not be misled by deceptions.
10.5 The Coming of the Son of Man
The Promised Coming of the Son of Man – Signs and Promises
In Mark 13:24–32, Jesus describes the magnificent event of His second coming in glory, accompanied by spectacular signs in the sun, moon, and stars. This second coming is extensively covered in the New Testament by both Paul and Peter and detailed in Revelation. The prophecies emphasize that this event will be personal, visible, and audible, so that no one can miss it. Jesus explains that “this generation” refers to the first-century generation that will witness the destruction of Jerusalem, while “that day” refers to the far-off future coming of Christ. This distinction helps clarify the timing of the prophecies. Christ’s second coming remains a central hope and expectation for all believers.
10.6 Summary
Prophecies About the Last Days – Warnings and Promises
Lesson 10 covers Jesus’ prophetic statements about upcoming events. Jesus describes the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem as a significant precursor, marking the “abomination of desolation,” which urges believers to be vigilant and prepare for difficult times. The “great tribulation” is described as an unprecedented period of persecution, followed by Christ’s second coming, heralded by extraordinary cosmic signs. This return of Christ is a central theme of the prophecies, encompassing both the hope of redemption and warnings against false teachers and deceptions. Jesus’ teachings emphasize that despite forthcoming trials and confusions, God’s promises remain faithful, and believers should find comfort and direction in these times.
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