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Series THE BOOK OF MARK with Pastor Mark Finley  |
Lesson 6.Inside Out  |
God’s Commandments Over Traditions: The True Source of Purity and Faith
Lesson 6 explores the challenge that arises when human traditions conflict with divine commandments. Through various encounters in Mark 7 and 8, Jesus demonstrates that true purity and faith are determined not by outward rituals but by the heart. He confronts the Pharisees with their hypocrisy, praises the faith of a foreign woman, and warns his disciples against the false teachings of religious leaders. This lesson invites reflection on prioritizing God’s commandments over human traditions in one’s spiritual life.
Memory Text: Mark 7:15 – “ ‘There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man’.”
6.1 Human Traditions Versus God’s Commandments
True Piety: God’s Commandments Over Human Traditions
In Mark 7:1-13, a significant principle is highlighted regarding the relationship between human traditions and God’s commandments. Jesus confronts the Pharisees, who focus more on ritual traditions than on the actual commandments of God. He points out that external rituals, like handwashing, are not central to faith, but rather the inner attitude towards God is. Jesus criticizes the practice of placing human traditions above divine commandments, especially when these traditions undermine God’s actual laws, as in the case of neglecting parents through the Corban law. Thus, He clarifies that true piety lies not in merely following traditions but in obedience to God’s commandments.
6.2 Clean Hands or Clean Heart?
What Really Matters?
In Mark 7:14-19, Jesus emphasizes that purity is not determined by external rituals or the type of food, but by the condition of the heart. He explains that what enters the body does not defile a person, as it does not reach the heart, but rather the evil that comes from within makes a person impure. This means that true purity is a matter of the heart and inner morality, not of external rituals. Jesus does not abolish the dietary laws but criticizes the Pharisaic tradition that prioritizes external rituals over inner piety.
6.3 Crumbs for the Dogs
Faith Knows No Boundaries: The Lesson of the Canaanite Woman
In Mark 7:24-30, Jesus encounters a Canaanite woman who begs for healing for her daughter. His seemingly harsh response, in which He uses the imagery of a dog, tests the woman. However, her humble and persistent reply reveals her deep faith and understanding that even the “crumbs” from God’s table are enough to perform miracles. Through this dialogue, Jesus shows that faith, not heritage, is the key criterion for accessing God’s grace. In the end, Jesus acknowledges her faith and heals her daughter, illustrating that God’s grace transcends all boundaries.
6.4 Tongue-tied
The Power of Touch: Jesus’ Healing of the Deaf and Mute Man
In Mark 7:31-37, a deaf man with a speech impediment is brought to Jesus, and He heals him in a very personal and direct way. Jesus takes the man aside, touches his ears and tongue, and sighs before performing the miracle. Jesus’ sigh reflects His deep concern over the spiritual deafness and unwillingness of many to accept the truth. Through this miracle, Jesus not only reveals His power to heal physical ailments but also His willingness to free those who are willing to turn to Him and confess their faith.
6.5 Watch Out for Bad Bread
Beware of False Influence: Jesus’ Warning About the Leaven of the Pharisees
In Mark 8:11-13, Jesus expresses deep disappointment with the unbelieving attitude of the Pharisees, who still demand a sign from heaven despite numerous miracles. Jesus refuses to give them this sign, as their lack of faith cannot be overcome by more miracles. Later, He warns His disciples about the “leaven” of the Pharisees and Herod, symbolizing their corrupt teachings. The disciples, however, misunderstand this as a remark about the lack of bread, prompting Jesus to remind them of His previous miracles to correct their spiritual blindness and lack of understanding.
6.6 Summary
The Heart Over Tradition: Jesus’ Teachings on True Purity and Faith
Lesson 6 addresses the conflict between human traditions and divine commandments, as described in Mark 7 and 8. Jesus makes it clear that true purity comes from the heart and is not achieved through ritual actions. He shows that faith and humility are more important than outward traditions, as in the case of the Canaanite woman, who receives healing for her daughter despite apparent rejection. Additionally, He warns His disciples about the corrupt teachings of the Pharisees and emphasizes the importance of recognizing God’s power and grace. The lesson encourages prioritizing inner faith over external rituals.
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