Series THE GOD OF LOVE AND JUSTICE with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 11.What More Could I Have Done? |
God’s Love in the Cosmic Conflict |
In Lesson 11, we focus on the central question: What more could I have done? Despite Satan’s deceptions, God has shown in every respect that He is just and full of love. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, God’s true nature has been fully revealed, and the enemy has been defeated. Yet human free will remains intact—each person must decide for themselves which side they will stand on. God’s plan of salvation demonstrates that He has done everything possible to save us without violating our will. The question now is: How will we respond to His love and His sacrifice?
Memory Text: John 18:37 – “Pilate therefore said to Him, ‘Are You a king then?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice’. ”
11.1 Christ the Victor
Christ, the Triumphant King
Jesus Christ has won the final victory, even though the enemy still rages. The devil may be described as the deceiver, accuser, and illegitimate ruler of this world, but Christ confronts him with truth, righteousness, and love. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus exposed Satan’s deceptions and brought down his kingdom. Our daily trust in this victory is crucial—because the key lies in embracing Christ’s promises in our everyday lives. By following Him, we are already on the winning side and can overcome through Him.
11.2 The Just and the Justifier
Christ—the Righteous One and Justifier
On the cross, Jesus reveals both God’s perfect justice and His infinite love. While Satan accuses God of injustice, Christ refutes these lies through His sacrifice and grace. His death shows that God is not only just but also the One who justifies the guilty. In doing so, the enemy is fully unmasked, and his kingdom is destined to fail. Those who trust in Christ can be certain that God’s love endures even in suffering and trials. The victory of the cross assures us that goodness will ultimately triumph.
11.3 The Song of My Beloved
God’s Perfect Love and Justice
God has done everything to save humanity and pave the way to eternal life. The Song of the Vineyard demonstrates that He left nothing undone to care for His people and help them bear good fruit. Yet the free will of humanity often leads to rejection and unfaithfulness. On the cross, God ultimately revealed His love by becoming the sacrifice Himself to redeem us. When we look at the cross, we realize: God could not have done more—His love is complete. The question remains: How will we respond to this incomparable gift?
11.4 Christ’s Parable of the Vineyard
The Greatest Love—God’s Ultimate Sacrifice
In the Parable of the Vineyard, Jesus shows that God spared no effort in seeking to save humanity. He sent prophets, but they were rejected. Finally, He gave what was most precious—His own Son. Yet Jesus was also rejected and crucified. On the cross, God’s immeasurable love and His deep sorrow over sin were revealed. If there had been a better way, God would have chosen it—but only through the cross could justice and love be perfectly displayed. Our redemption cost God infinitely, but He paid the price out of love for us.
11.5 The Vindication of God’s Name
God’s Name Will Be Vindicated
In the end, God will be proven completely just and loving. His work in the plan of salvation will show, beyond any doubt, that He has always been fair and merciful. Even now, He invites us to consider His nature and recognize that His judgments are righteous. In eternity, we will understand why He acted as He did, and we will acknowledge His wisdom and justice. Every creature will confess that Jesus is Lord, and God’s name will be fully vindicated. His love and faithfulness are unshakable—now and forever.
11.6 Summary
God’s Perfect Love and Justice
God has done everything to save humanity and reveal the truth about His character. Through Jesus Christ, He has defeated the enemy, affirmed His righteousness, and demonstrated His infinite love on the cross. The cosmic conflict could not be ended by force but by the complete revelation of God’s character. Despite all rejection, He even gave His own Son to redeem the world. In the end, every knee will bow and acknowledge that God’s ways are just and good. The question remains: How will we respond to His incomparable offer of love and grace?
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