Series THE GOD OF LOVE AND JUSTICE with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 4.God Is Passionate and Compassionate |
The Source of True Love and Grace b |
God’s nature is characterized by deep compassion and boundless mercy. The Bible describes His love as stronger and more intimate than the deepest human affection, comparable to the care of a parent for their child (Psalm 103:13; Isaiah 49:15). Despite the unfaithfulness of His people, God remains faithful, patient, and full of mercy. In Jesus Christ, this divine mercy becomes visible through perfect compassion and selfless dedication. This lesson invites us to better understand God’s loving actions and to reflect His mercy in our own lives.
Memory Text: Isaiah 49,15 – “ ‘Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.’ ”
4.1 More Than a Mother’s Love
God’s Infinite Compassion
God’s compassion surpasses every form of human love, even the intimate affection of a mother for her child. Psalm 103:13 and Isaiah 49:15 show that God treats us like beloved children and never forgets us, even when human parents might fail. The Hebrew term racham, derived from the word for womb, highlights God’s deep, “womb-like” motherly love. Jeremiah 31:20 describes God’s unwavering desire for His people despite their unfaithfulness. This deep, inner longing of God demonstrates that His mercy is boundless and steadfast. For people with painful family experiences, God’s compassion can be made understandable through Jesus’ life and actions—through His healing proximity to the outcast and His unconditional love.
4.2 Gut-Wrenching Love
God’s Deep Yearning for His People
Hosea 11:1–9 portrays God’s intimate, fatherly love for His people, whom He tenderly cares for like a parent accompanies their child’s growth. Despite Israel’s repeated unfaithfulness, God’s love endures, wrestling with pain and compassion, revealing His deep emotional bond. God’s heart “turns away” in compassion, reflecting His passionate longing for reconciliation. This heart-wrenching love combines compassion and justice, for God’s love is not blind but profound and just. For us, this means that God does not abandon us in our missteps but calls us to repentance with patience and mercy. This knowledge brings us comfort and hope that God’s love remains unchanged even in our weakness.
4.3 The Compassion of Jesus
The Lived Mercy of God
Jesus embodied God’s boundless compassion by not only feeling pity but actively addressing people’s needs (Matthew 9:36; Mark 1:41). He healed the sick, comforted the grieving, and took in the outcasts, always moved by genuine mercy. Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem (Matthew 23:37) shows His deep longing to gather and protect the people—like a bird caring for its chicks. These images illustrate that Jesus’ love is as strong and caring as the Father’s in the Old Testament. Jesus’ life was the perfect revelation of God’s love in human form. As His followers, we are called to emulate this example by approaching others with compassion and making God’s love visible through concrete actions.
4.4 A Jealous God?
God’s Passionate Love and Faithfulness
God’s jealousy (el qanna) is not a destructive or envious emotion but an expression of His deep, passionate love and desire for an exclusive relationship with His people. This divine jealousy is comparable to the devotion of a faithful husband who wants to protect his beloved wife from infidelity (2 Corinthians 11:2). It arises from God’s care and desire to prevent His people from the harm caused by false idols and ways (Psalm 78:58). Unlike human jealousy, which is often selfish, God’s jealousy is just and directed toward the well-being of His people. It shows how seriously God takes His relationship with us and that He meets us with an incomparable, protective love. This divine passion can teach us to act faithfully, lovingly, and protectively in our relationships—with a love that seeks the best for others.
4.5 Compassion and Passionate
God’s Love as a Model for Our Lives
God reveals in Jesus Christ a compassionate and passionate love that is shown through care, comfort, and deep empathy (Isaiah 63:9; Luke 19:41). This divine love, as described in 1 Corinthians 13:4–8, is patient, kind, and free from selfishness. It requires us to act with compassion and love not by our own strength but through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). The death of the self—the laying down of selfishness and pride—is necessary to make room for God’s love. Only when we ask God to renew our hearts can we live this pure, selfless love. This love leads us to actively comfort others, approach them with compassion, and make God’s love visible through our actions.
4.6 Summary
The Depth of Divine Love
Lesson 4 demonstrates that God’s compassion and mercy go far beyond human understanding. Like a parent’s love for their child, God’s affection is deep, steadfast, and infinite (Psalm 103:13; Isaiah 49:15). His passionate love is especially described in the caring jealousy with which He seeks to preserve His people from unfaithfulness (Deuteronomy 5:24). In Jesus Christ, God’s compassion becomes visible as He meets the needy with full mercy and gives Himself up for humanity (Matthew 9:36; Luke 19:41). This divine love is meant to inspire us to encounter others with compassion, patience, and selfless love through the power of the Holy Spirit. God invites us to embrace His mercy and actively share it in our lives.
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