Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 7.Motivated by Hope |
The Hope of Christ’s Return: Light in Dark Times |
In the seventh lesson, we delve into the depths of Christian hope, which is inseparably linked to the promise of Christ’s return. We explore how this hope has provided comfort and assurance throughout the centuries, serving as a firm anchor in times of trial. Additionally, we take a closer look at significant events and figures that have shaped the hope of Christ’s return, such as William Miller and his discovery of prophetic time periods. This lesson invites us to be motivated by this hope and to prepare ourselves for the fulfillment of God’s promises.
Memory Text: Isaiah 25,9 – “And it will be said in that day: ‘Behold, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.’”
7.1 The Promise of His Return
The Longed-for Hope: The Promise of Christ’s Return
The hope of Christ’s return has brought comfort and confidence to Christians throughout the centuries. This hope offers a perspective on the end of suffering and injustice, as well as a vision of a world of peace and communion with Christ. The biblical promises in John, Thessalonians, and Titus have provided believers with a solid anchor in times of trial and loss. The prospect of resurrection and eternal communion with God and the redeemed of all ages fills the hearts of believers with joy and confidence.
7.2 Anticipating the Time
Christ’s Return: Clarity Amidst Human Misunderstandings
The return of Christ, a central truth of faith, has undergone different interpretations over time. From the concept of an earthly kingdom to spiritual lethargy, it highlights the challenges of human misunderstandings. However, scripture clearly describes his return: an event that will be unmistakable, seen and heard by everyone. In this expectation lies a precious hope, a call to preparation and steadfast devotion to withstand the day of the Lord.
7.3 William Miller and the Bible
The Biblical Journey of Discovery: William Miller and Understanding Christ’s Return
William Miller was an example of an eager Bible student who discovered the truth about Christ’s return through thorough study. His method of comparing scripture with scripture and studying prophecy with the same seriousness as other biblical passages shows us the importance of a methodical and open-minded approach to scripture. The revelation of God’s word through the Holy Spirit and the understanding of prophetic symbols are essential for understanding end-time events.
7.4 The 2300 Days in Daniel 8:14
Unlocking Prophetic Time: William Miller’s Quest for Understanding
The discovery of the 2300 days in Daniel 8:14 was a significant milestone in William Miller’s quest for understanding divine schedules. Through careful study of prophecy and meticulous comparisons within scripture, he concluded that God has a precise timetable for fulfilling his promises. The connection between Daniel 8 and Daniel 9 led to a deeper understanding of the 2300 days and their significance for end-time events.
7.5 The Longest Prophetic Time Line
The Timeframe of Prophecy: Daniel 8:14 and the Advent Movement
The prophecy of the 2300 years in Daniel 8:14 marks a crucial point in Adventist history. The precise calculation of the beginning of this period, based on the decree of the Persian King Artaxerxes in 457 BC, led to important insights into the timing of the beginning and end of this prophecy. The 70-week prophecy in Daniel 9 led to an understanding of the timing of the first coming of the Messiah and other important events in salvation history. The expectation of the year 1844 as the endpoint of the 2300 years shaped the beliefs of early Adventists about Christ’s return and the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary.
7.6 Summary
Hope that Inspires: Prophetic Time and Christ’s Return
The lesson “Motivated by Hope” takes us through various aspects of Christian hope, particularly those connected with Christ’s return. We see how this hope has provided comfort and assurance over the centuries, offering a firm anchor in times of trial. The discovery and understanding of prophetic time periods, especially the 2300 days in Daniel 8:14, played a significant role in Adventist history and shaped the community’s understanding of end-time events. This lesson encourages us to be motivated by this hope and to prepare for the fulfillment of God’s promises.
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