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Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley  |
Lesson 8.Light from the Sanctuary  |
Light and Redemption from the Sanctuary: Jesus’ Intercession and Perfection |

In Lesson 8, we delve deep into the significance of the heavenly sanctuary, a central theme of the Christian faith. We explore the role of Jesus as our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, his intercession for us before God, and the significance of his sacrifice on the cross for our redemption. This lesson illuminates the inseparable connection between God’s law and the Gospel, as well as Jesus’ invitation to follow him on the path of redemption and perfection. Let us immerse ourselves in the light emanating from the sanctuary, granting us hope, forgiveness, and strength.
Memory Text: hebrew 8:1.2 – “We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man.”
8.1 The Heavenly Sanctuary

Assurance of Redemption through Christ
The two sanctuaries described in the mentioned Bible passages are the earthly sanctuary built by Moses and the heavenly sanctuary. The earthly sanctuary served as a model or “type” for the heavenly sanctuary to which it pointed. With Christ’s sacrifice, the earthly sanctuary lost its significance, and the heavenly sanctuary of the new covenant came into focus.
The earthly sanctuary and the worship services therein were precursors to the divine plan of redemption, with each sacrifice pointing to Golgotha. Jesus Christ is depicted as the sacrificial lamb and eternal High Priest who lives for us and intercedes for us forever.
Through Christ, we are freed from the guilt and power of sin. His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary works for us by freeing our lives from sin and granting us assurance of redemption when we hold fast to faith in him.
8.2 In the Holy of Holies
The Day of Atonement: Repentance, Cleansing, and Christ’s Representation
The Day of Atonement was of crucial importance for ancient Israel, as it represented a time of repentance and cleansing where the people confessed their sins before God and humbled themselves. On this day, the High Priest entered the Most Holy Place with a blood sacrifice before God to cleanse the sanctuary and the people from sin. The scapegoat symbolized God’s assumption of sins as it was removed from the camp. These actions illustrated the cleansing of the people and the sanctuary from sin and guilt.
In the heavenly sanctuary, Christ serves as our representative, justifying us through his sacrifice and representing us before God. Our participation in his righteousness means turning away from sin and leading a life of holiness by humbling ourselves and growing in grace. Thus, we endure divine judgment through Jesus and have assurance of our redemption.
8.3 The Judgment Has Come
The Inevitable Judgment: Prepared through Christ
The Bible clearly speaks of the impending judgment, mentioned in Daniel 7:9–10 and Revelation 14:6–7, among other passages. It is an inevitable event where God reveals all the works of humanity and demands accountability. Jesus emphasized the importance and inevitability of this judgment. When Christ returns, the final destiny of each person is determined, and there is no second chance. The different treatment of believers in Matthew 25:1–13 underscores the importance of personal faith and readiness to follow Christ. Ultimately, we need not fear judgment, for through Christ, we have forgiveness, freedom from guilt, and ultimate victory.
8.4 The Good News from the Most Holy Place
Redemption in the Most Holy Place: Invitation to Forgiveness and Obedience
The verses in Hebrews 4:14–16 and 10:19–22 convey powerful assurance and divine invitation. We are encouraged to come boldly to our great High Priest Jesus, who has saved us and now meets us with compassion and grace. The blood of Jesus paves the way for our reconciliation with God, and his mercy surpasses his justice. The vision in Revelation 11:19 emphasizes the importance of the heavenly sanctuary in the Great Controversy and demonstrates the inseparable connection between God’s law and the Gospel. In the sanctuary, we find forgiveness for our sins and the power to lead an obedient life, as Jesus writes the law in our hearts and saves us completely.
8.5 Jesus, Our Advocate in the Judgment
The Immeasurable Grace: Jesus’ Intercession and Perfection
Hebrews 10:9–14 highlights the crucial difference between the priest’s service in the earthly sanctuary and Jesus’ service in the heavenly sanctuary. While the sacrifices of earthly priests were temporary and could not completely remove sin, Christ, with his unique sacrifice on the cross, brought eternal redemption and then entered as our advocate in the heavenly sanctuary. His invitation to follow him is a call to participate in his perfect sacrifice and mediation for us before God. Through Jesus, we can understand the true meaning of redemption and receive the power of his intercession in the heavenly sanctuary to withstand the Great Controversy against evil.
8.6 Summary
The Sanctuary: Center of Redemption and Intercession
In Lesson 8, “Light from the Sanctuary,” important aspects of the heavenly sanctuary and its significance for Christian redemption are illuminated. Through passages like Hebrews 4:14–16 and 10:9–14, it is shown that Christ serves as our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary and offers us redemption and intercession before God. His unique sacrifice on the cross allowed for the removal of sin and opened the way to forgiveness and perfection. The inseparable connection between God’s law and the Gospel is also emphasized, and Jesus invites us to follow him in the midst of the Great Controversy, accepting his path of redemption and intercession.
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