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Series JESUS IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN with Pastor Mark Finley  |
Lesson 10.The Way, the Truth, and the Life  |
Jesus: The Way to Redemption and the Source of Divine Truth  
Lesson 10 focuses on the unique role of Jesus Christ, who reveals Himself as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). These words are part of His farewell discourse, in which He prepares His disciples for His departure and gives them hope for His return. Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet symbolizes humility and servant love, while His statements about the truth highlight His divine nature and mission. The Holy Scriptures are presented as the key that reveals the truth of Jesus and forms the foundation for our understanding of God’s plan. This lesson demonstrates how Jesus is the central path to God and the light for all who believe.
Memory Text: John 1:18 – “No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.
10.1 I Have Given You an Example
Humility and Service: Jesus’ Legacy to His Followers
In the farewell discourse (John 13–17), Jesus teaches through words and actions what true humility and willingness to serve mean. In John 13:1–20, Jesus washes the disciples’ feet, a task typically reserved for servants. This extraordinary act shows that genuine authority lies not in ruling but in serving. Jesus’ example calls His followers to follow His path and lead lives of humility and dedication. Peter’s reaction underscores the profound significance of this event: without a willingness to humble oneself and be cleansed by Christ, there can be no true fellowship with Him. The rite of humility reminds Christians to serve selflessly and follow Christ in all things.
10.2 I Will Certainly Come Again
The Second Coming of Christ: Assurance from the Faithfulness of the Redeemer
In John 14:1–3, Jesus comforts His disciples in light of His impending departure with the promise of His return. These words look beyond the pain of the cross and the disciples’ confusion, providing them with firm hope. Jesus speaks of His return with such certainty that it is expressed in the present tense in Greek—as if it is already happening. The basis for trust in this promise lies not only in fulfilled prophecies but primarily in the character and faithfulness of Jesus, who already took up the cross to redeem us. His first coming guarantees His return, through which the work of redemption will be completed. This promise encourages believers to steadfastly hope for future glory.
10.3 I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Jesus: The Path, the Revelation, and the Source of Life
Thomas’ question about the way reveals the disciples’ uncertainty as they hear Jesus’ words about His departure. Jesus responds that He Himself is the way, the truth, and the life—not only the way to the Father but also the revelation of the Father and the source of life. Through Jesus, the connection to God becomes possible, and He reveals God’s nature to a fallen world. In response to Philip, Jesus makes it clear that in Him the Father is made visible: whoever sees Jesus sees the Father. These words are a comfort to believers because they show that God’s nature is fully revealed in the person of Jesus. Without Jesus, there would be no secure access to the Father and no clarity about God’s truth and life.
10.4 I AM the Truth
Jesus: The Revelation of Truth and the Light of the World
In the Gospel of John, truth is inextricably linked with the person of Jesus Christ. He is not merely a teacher or proclaimer of truth but the truth itself—the embodiment of God’s nature and will. Biblical truth goes beyond facts and encompasses faithfulness, morality, and the revelation of God’s character. Jesus reveals this truth through His life, teachings, and sacrifice. Like the sun that illuminates the world, Jesus, the truth, enables believers to clearly understand the world and God’s plan. His claim to be the truth provides hope and guidance in a world full of confusion and deception.
10.5 The Scriptures and the Truth
The Bible: The Key to Revealing God and the Truth in Christ
The Holy Scriptures play a central role in revealing the truth, especially in portraying Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life. In John 5:38–40, Jesus makes it clear that the Scriptures point to Him and have no full meaning without Him. In Luke 24:27, He shows the disciples how to understand His ministry and sacrifice through the Scriptures. The Bible provides the necessary context for understanding God’s plan, the meaning of life, and the future. It is more than a book of moral teachings—it is the key to revealing the divine truth that science alone cannot explain. The Scriptures lead us to the knowledge of Jesus, who Himself is the truth.
10.6 Summary
Jesus: The Path to Truth and Life in Fellowship with God
Lesson 10 highlights the central role of Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). In His farewell discourse, Jesus comforts His disciples, reveals His mission, and emphasizes the hope of His return. He demonstrates that true service is done in humility, as shown in the washing of the feet, and teaches that truth is not just a concept but a person: Himself. The Holy Scriptures are the foundation that reveals this truth and explains God’s plan. They consistently point to Jesus, who is the bridge to the Father and the light that illuminates the world. This lesson encourages believers to embrace Jesus as the center of truth, hope, and life.
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