0 4 yrs

Life itself is a school. In the family you are able to learn how to live. How can that work in a fine manner?



2.THE FAMILY | 2.1 The First Family
A model school was established in Eden. A school within the family in nature – teaching in paradise.



2.THE FAMILY | 2.2 The Childhood of Jesus
Jesus` first teacher was his mother Mary. A young woman full of faith towards her creator. This is an ideal situation.



2.THE FAMILY | 2.3 Communication
Building a relationship through communication. This is how education is going to work.



2.THE FAMILY | 2.4 The Role of Parents
The character of the parents forms the character of the youth.



2.THE FAMILY | 2.5 Lest Ye Forget
Children should get a knowledge of God`s working in history. This will create a relationship towards their creator.



2.THE FAMILY | 2.6 Summary
The family is the protected area for the development of the youth. Blessed are those who have got parents full of wisdom.



Life itself is a school. In the family you are able to learn how to live. How can that work in a fine manner?





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