0 3 yrs


Calvary has changed the world. What is so exceptionable about the sacrifice of Jesus?

Memory Text: Galatians 3:11 – But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.



Whoever has a close look on Jesus`sacrifice will experience love for Jesus.



We were bought with a price. It is the precious blood of Jesus. How can it be effective for me?



Abraham`s faith in God`s promises is tremendous. How can I learn to trust in Jesus?



How can we, despite of our faults, be accounted as righteous in the eyes of God?



Whoever trusts God, will experience quality of life. There is nothing comparable to it.



Faith in Jesus will help you to look without fear into the future.



Calvary has changed the world. What is so exceptionable about the sacrifice of Jesus?





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