0 3 yrs


The sanctuary in heaven is the center of the universe. There is the heavenly government.

Memory Text: Hebrews 9:15 – Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance.



Relationship among humans is at the heart for quality of life. The same it is with the relationship to our creator.



The animal sacrifices in the earthly sanctuary in Palestine were a parable for the sacrifice of Jesus as a lamb without guilt.



A lamb without guilt dies instead of our sins because death is the reward for sin. What a parable we can look at here!



As there was an earthly sanctuary ministry there is a heavenly sanctuary ministry. Jesus is our highpriest in heaven.



Jesus, as both God and sinless man, is the only One who could bridge the gap between humanity and God.



The earthly sanctuary ministry is a parable for redemption.



The sanctuary in heaven is the center of the universe. There is the heavenly government.






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