0 3 yrs


What is more effective? Bloodthirsting actions or attack of love? Jesus` life showed the difference.

Memory Text: Isaiah 58:10 – If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday.



The most important and the best you can get without paying for it. This is great!



Many aspects of life we will understand only on the new earth. Here we look through a tunnel.



Fasting of another type we can find here. New dimensions are opened for us.



Words or deeds are of different quality. Deeds of love cry louder than anything else.



Here we are offered something for wornout people because of stress. God`s plan for a fulfilled life.


Jesus` life on earth is unique. He showed aspects of real love.



What is more effective? Bloodthirsting actions or attack of love? Jesus` life showed the difference.






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