0 3 yrs


Why are there different names of God in the Bible? What does that mean? What conditions were attached to the covenant?

Memory Text: Genesis 17:7 – I [God] will establish my covenant between me and you [Abraham] and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you.


Names in the Bible have a meaning. What is the meaning of Yahweh? It means the one who lives eternally.



God introduces himself to Abraham as the almighty God.It is a privilege to be loved by him.



God introduces himself to Abraham as the almighty God.It is a privilege to be loved by him.



Abram means, father is exalted. Abraham means, father of a multitude.



It is like a staircase. You move on from one step to another getting higher and higher.



Whoever obeys God`s laws will get blessings above blessings…



The almighty God streches out his arm towards you. Will you grasp his hand?



Why are there different names of God in the Bible? What does that mean? What conditions were attached to the covenant?






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