Information: The Abrahamic covenant is the second one after the covenant with Noah.
Memory Text: Genesis 15:2 – But Abram said, ‘Lord God, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?
When a mighty one enters into a coalition with a weak one we are astonished.
Looking up to the stars is good for us. Then we understand better who is God.
If it takes a long time till a promise is fulfilled, doubts will creep in more and more.
Circumcision is a sign that cannot be overlooked.
The longer you have to wait the greater the joy when you reach your goal.
It is the last night of Sodom. God`s people are warned beforehand.
Abraham`s faith in God is beyond measure. His patience is greater than we can imagine. Nevertheless even Abraham`s life is mixed with failures.
The Abrahamic covenant is the second one after the covenant with Noah.
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