0 3 yrs


Why did the apostle Paul write this letter to the Hebrews? What is his aim? What does he want to tell us?

Memory Text: Hebrews 10:36 – For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.



We want to have a look at those old sermons of the apostle Paul. What a privilege to be able to read these words.



The Holy Ghost worked wonderful miracles in the beginning of the early church.



Some of the early Christians were thrown into prison. Nevertheless they kept their faith in Christ.



In the early days of the Christian church some members lost all their possessions. But they left erverything behind in order to be together with Jesus.



The more troublesome the days the more we need each other to survive.



The early Christians were full of desire to see Jesus coming back.



Faith, prayer and work were the cornerstones in the early days of Christianity.



Why did the apostle Paul write this letter to the Hebrews? What is his aim? What does he want to tell us?





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