0 3 yrs

Information: The apostle Paul knows where the dangers are hidden. Do we know these as well?
Memory Text: Hebrews 8:1- This is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens.



In this letter the apostle Paul wants to strengthen the reader`s faith in God.



Jesus was enthroned in the heavenly sanctuary as our king.



Jesus is the mediator of God`s blessings for us.



Jesus is experienced in all troubles. He knows our feelings.



Jesus pleads for us in the heavenly sanctuary.



Jesus puts God`s law into our hearts, if we love him.



We are like the Israelites at the border of the promised land.



The apostle Paul knows where the dangers are hidden. Do we know these as well?






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