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LIVING FAITH - Daily Reflections from the Sabbath School

Believe His Prophets


1 min 8 mths

Spirit of Prophecy | Pastor Ted Wilson

Everyone enjoys receiving gifts. Whether it be for a birthday, holiday celebration, or as an unexpected act of appreciation, gifts demonstrate that the giver cares for the one they are giving the gift to. Throughout the course of history, the greatest gift-giver of all is […]


3 mins 11 mths

The Great Controversy | The Triumph of the Cross Amid the Great Conflict – (Answers at the Cross)

While the book of Job touches upon many important themes, it doesn’t answer all the questions it raises. It provides insight into suffering and the human question of evil but leaves many questions unanswered, which can only be addressed through the entire Bible. So, it’s […]

Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living The Secret of Suffering and Comfort
3 mins 11 mths

Lesson 6 Motivation and Preparation for Mission – 6.5 A Picture of the Early Church

Acts 2:41-47 indeed provides an inspiring picture of the early church and its fundamental characteristics. It depicts a community of believers unified and filled by the power of the Holy Spirit. Here are some key aspects expressed in this portrayal of the early church: Community […]

6.Motivation and Preparation for Mission GOD'S MISSION - MY MISSION Living Faith
2 mins 11 mths

Lesson 6 Motivation and Preparation for Mission – 6.4 “Whom You Crucified”

The fact that even those who were complicit in Jesus’ death were offered forgiveness and redemption is of great significance and should encourage and motivate us in various ways: Encouragement for Personal Salvation: This fact underscores the immeasurable grace of God and His willingness to […]

6.Motivation and Preparation for Mission GOD'S MISSION - MY MISSION Living Faith
3 mins 11 mths

The Great Controversy | The Invisible Battle and the Light of Faith (The Cosmic Conflict)

The initial chapters of the book of Job provide us insight into two different realities that appear seemingly detached but are deeply interconnected: the earthly and the heavenly sphere. Initially, Job’s life on earth is portrayed as harmonious and full of blessings. However, the focus […]

Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living The Secret of Suffering and Comfort