0 3 yrs

Information: The sacrifice of Jesus is of the highest value. Without it nobody could be saved.
Memory Text: Hebrews 10:14 – For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.




The sacrifices of animals had to be done again and again. The sacrifice of Jesus is once and forever.




Without shedding of blood is no remission.




There were five different kinds of sacrifices in the Old Testament.




Because of Jesus` sacrifice all the Old Testament sacrifices found their fulfilment.




The price, which was paid for us, is of the highest value.




In the judgement all the secret motives of all people will be clearly seen.




We will get eternal life, if Jesus is our friend in the judgement because we have started a loving relationship with Jesus beforehand.




The sacrifice of Jesus is of the highest value. Without it nobody could be saved.





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